Sofia Gomes
Sofia Gomes
University Portucalense, REMIT - Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies,
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Willingness to pay more for green products: A critical challenge for Gen Z
S Gomes, JM Lopes, S Nogueira
Journal of Cleaner Production 390, 136092, 2023
Industry 4.0 implementation: Environmental and social sustainability in manufacturing multinational enterprises
JJ Ferreira, JM Lopes, S Gomes, HG Rammal
Journal of Cleaner Production 404, 136841, 2023
Evolution of the online grocery shopping experience during the COVID-19 pandemic: Empiric study from Portugal
S Gomes, JM Lopes
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research 17 (3), 909-923, 2022
The role of resilience in reducing burnout: A study with healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic
P Ferreira, S Gomes
Social Sciences 10 (9), 317, 2021
Entrepreneurship and economic growth in Spanish and Portuguese regions
E Vázquez, S Gómes, E Vieira
Louvain-la-Neuve: European Regional Science Association (ERSA), 2010
The antecedents of sustainability-oriented entrepreneurial intentions: An exploratory study of Angolan higher education students
JM Lopes, N Suchek, S Gomes
Journal of Cleaner Production 391, 136236, 2023
The impact of the digital economy on economic growth: The case of OECD countries
S Gomes, JM Lopes, L Ferreira
RAM. Revista de Administração Mackenzie 23, eRAMD220029, 2022
Drivers of sustainable innovation strategies for increased competition among companies
JM Lopes, S Gomes, R Pacheco, E Monteiro, C Santos
Sustainability 14 (9), 5471, 2022
Entrepreneurial Intention before and during COVID-19—a case study on Portuguese University students
JM Lopes, S Gomes, T Santos, M Oliveira, J Oliveira
Education Sciences 11 (6), 273, 2021
The role of open innovation, and the performance of european union regions
JM Lopes, S Gomes, J Oliveira, M Oliveira
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 7 (2), 120, 2021
Opening the “black box” of university entrepreneurial intention in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic
S Gomes, M Sousa, T Santos, J Oliveira, M Oliveira, JM Lopes
Social Sciences 10 (5), 181, 2021
Developing knowledge of supply chain resilience in less-developed countries in the pandemic age
JM Lopes, S Gomes, L Mané
Logistics 6 (1), 3, 2022
Triple bottom line, sustainability, and economic development: What binds them together? A bibliometric approach
E Nogueira, S Gomes, JM Lopes
Sustainability 15 (8), 6706, 2023
Generation Z as a critical question mark for sustainable tourism–An exploratory study in Portugal
M Pinho, S Gomes
Journal of Tourism Futures 10 (3), 486-503, 2023
ICT access and entrepreneurship in the open innovation dynamic context: Evidence from OECD countries
S Gomes, JM Lopes
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 8 (2), 102, 2022
The key to sustainable economic development: A triple bottom line approach
E Nogueira, S Gomes, JM Lopes
Resources 11 (5), 46, 2022
Navigating the green maze: insights for businesses on consumer decision-making and the mediating role of their environmental concerns
JMM Lopes, S Gomes, T Trancoso
Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal 15 (4), 861-883, 2024
International open innovation strategies of firms in European Peripheral Regions
JM Lopes, S Gomes, J Oliveira, M Oliveira
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 8 (1), 7, 2022
The impacts of the entrepreneurial conditions on economic growth: Evidence from OECD countries
S Gomes, J Ferreira, JM Lopes, L Farinha
Economies 10 (7), 163, 2022
Looking at the tourism industry through the lenses of industry 4.0: a bibliometric review of concerns and challenges
S Gomes, JM Lopes, L Ferreira
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights 7 (1), 436-457, 2024
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