Rishabh Dixit
Rishabh Dixit
Department of Mathematics, UC San Diego
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Online learning with inexact proximal online gradient descent algorithms
R Dixit, AS Bedi, R Tripathi, K Rajawat
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 67 (5), 1338-1352, 2019
Online learning over dynamic graphs via distributed proximal gradient algorithm
R Dixit, AS Bedi, K Rajawat
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 66 (11), 5065-5079, 2020
Exit time analysis for approximations of gradient descent trajectories around saddle points
R Dixit, M Gürbüzbalaban, WU Bajwa
Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA 12 (2), 714-786, 2023
Distributed online learning over time-varying graphs via proximal gradient descent
R Dixit, AS Bedi, K Rajawat, A Koppel
2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2745-2751, 2019
Boundary conditions for linear exit time gradient trajectories around saddle points: Analysis and algorithm
R Dixit, M Gürbüzbalaban, WU Bajwa
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 69 (4), 2556-2602, 2022
Time varying optimization via inexact proximal online gradient descent
R Dixit, AS Bedi, R Tripathi, K Rajawat
2018 52nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, 759-763, 2018
Second order cone programming based localization method for internet of things
S Kumar, R Dixit, RM Hegde
2017 4th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information …, 2017
Accelerated gradient methods for nonconvex optimization: Escape trajectories from strict saddle points and convergence to local minima
R Dixit, M Gurbuzbalaban, WU Bajwa
arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.07030, 2023
RESIST: Resilient Decentralized Learning Using Consensus Gradient Descent
C Fang*, R Dixit*, WU Bajwa, M Gurbuzbalaban
arXiv preprint arXiv:2502.07977, 2025
Gradient Based Methods for Nonconvex Optimization: A Dynamical Systems Viewpoint
R Dixit
Rutgers The State University of New Jersey, School of Graduate Studies, 2024
Nonconvex first-order optimization: When can gradient descent escape saddle points in linear time?
R Dixit, WU Bajwa
Second Order Cone Programming for Sensor Node Localization in Mixed LOS/NLOS Conditions
S Kumar, R Dixit, RM Hegde
arXiv preprint arXiv:1508.02834, 2015
CS679A: Term paper
R Dixit, S Shaju, U Jain
Signal Processing for Networks and Graphs Adaptive Diffusions for Scalable Learning Over Graphs..... D. Berberidis, AN Nikolakopoulos, and GB Giannakis 1307
R Dixit, AS Bedi, R Tripathi, K Rajawat, AH Phan, P Tichavský, A Cichocki
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