Straipsniai su viešo pasiekiamumo įpareigojimais - Thomas P. O'ConnellSužinokite daugiau
Kur nors pasiekiama: 6
Resting-state functional connectivity predicts cognitive impairment related to Alzheimer's disease
Q Lin, MD Rosenberg, K Yoo, TW Hsu, TP O'Connell, MM Chun
Frontiers in aging neuroscience 10, 94, 2018
Įpareigojimai: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense, US National …
Predicting eye movement patterns from fMRI responses to natural scenes
TP O’Connell, MM Chun
Nature communications 9 (1), 5159, 2018
Įpareigojimai: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Searching through functional space reveals distributed visual, auditory, and semantic coding in the human brain
S Kumar, CT Ellis, TP O’Connell, MM Chun, NB Turk-Browne
PLOS Computational Biology 16 (12), e1008457, 2020
Įpareigojimai: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Representational differences between line drawings and photographs of natural scenes: A dissociation between multi-voxel pattern analysis and repetition suppression
TP O’Connell, PB Sederberg, DB Walther
Neuropsychologia 117, 513-519, 2018
Įpareigojimai: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Zero-shot neural decoding of visual categories without prior exemplars
TP O’Connell, MM Chun, G Kreiman
bioRxiv, 700344, 2019
Įpareigojimai: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Predicting eye movements from deep neural network activity decoded from fMRI responses to natural scenes
TP O’Connell, MM Chun
bioRxiv, 166421, 2017
Įpareigojimai: US National Science Foundation
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