Ivan Litvinov
Ivan Litvinov
The School of Mechanical Engineering
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Experimental study and analytical reconstruction of precessing vortex in a tangential swirler
IV Litvinov, SI Shtork, PA Kuibin, SV Alekseenko, K Hanjalic
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 42, 251-264, 2013
Unsteady regimes and pressure pulsations in draft tube of a model hydro turbine in a range of off-design conditions
I Litvinov, S Shtork, E Gorelikov, A Mitryakov, K Hanjalic
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 91, 410-422, 2018
Vortex ropes in draft tube of a laboratory Kaplan hydroturbine at low load: an experimental and LES scrutiny of RANS and DES computational models
AV Minakov, DV Platonov, IV Litvinov, SI Shtork, K Hanjalić
Journal of Hydraulic Research 55 (5), 668-685, 2017
Study of the velocity distribution influence upon the pressure pulsations in draft tube model of hydro-turbine
V Sonin, A Ustimenko, P Kuibin, I Litvinov, S Shtork
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 49 (8), 082020, 2016
Reconstructing the structural parameters of a precessing vortex by SPIV and acoustic sensors
IV Litvinov, DK Sharaborin, SI Shtork
Experiments in Fluids 60, 1-18, 2019
Time-resolved study of mixing and reaction in an aero-engine model combustor at increased pressure
I Litvinov, J Yoon, C Noren, M Stöhr, I Boxx, KP Geigle
Combustion and Flame 231, 111474, 2021
Swirl number and nozzle confinement effects in a flat-vane axial swirler
IV Litvinov, DA Suslov, EU Gorelikov, SI Shtork
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 91, 108812, 2021
Experiments on line arrays of horizontal-axis hydroturbines
VL Okulov, IV Naumov, IK Kabardin, IV Litvinov, DM Markovich, ...
Renewable Energy 163, 15-21, 2021
Analyzing the aerodynamic structure of swirl flow in vortex burner models
ES Gesheva, IV Litvinov, SI Shtork, SV Alekseenko
Thermal Engineering 61, 649-657, 2014
Modal decomposition of the precessing vortex core in a hydro turbine model
I Litvinov, D Sharaborin, E Gorelikov, V Dulin, S Shtork, S Alekseenko, ...
Applied Sciences 12 (10), 5127, 2022
An overview of active control techniques for vortex rope mitigation in hydraulic turbines
S Shtork, D Suslov, S Skripkin, I Litvinov, E Gorelikov
Energies 16 (13), 5131, 2023
Comparison of classical methods for blade design and the influence of tip correction on rotor performance
JN Sørensen, VL Okulov, RF Mikkelsen, IV Naumov, IV Litvinov
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 753 (2), 022020, 2016
Comparison of the far wake behind dual rotor and dual disk configurations
VL Okulov, RF Mikkelsen, IV Naumov, IV Litvinov, E Gesheva, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 753 (3), 032060, 2016
Finding of parameters of helical symmetry for unsteady vortex flow based on phase-averaged PIV measurement data
IV Litvinov, DK Sharaborin, SI Shtork
Thermophysics and Aeromechanics 22 (5), 647-650, 2015
Suppression of vortex core precession in a swirling reacting flow
IV Litvinov, AV Nazarov, SI Shtork
Thermophysics and Aeromechanics 23 (2), 305-308, 2016
Численное и экспериментальное моделирование течения в отсасывающей трубе гидротурбины
СВ Алексеенко, АА Дектерев, ИВ Литвинов, АВ Минаков, ИМ Пылев, ...
Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Техника и технологии 4 (5 …, 2011
Comparative analysis of air and water flows in simplified hydraulic turbine models
SG Skripkin, DA Suslov, IV Litvinov, EU Gorelikov, MA Tsoy, SI Shtork
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2150 (1), 012001, 2022
Prediction of vortex precession in the draft tube of a model hydro turbine using mean field stability theory and stochastic modelling
JS Müller, M Sieber, I Litvinov, S Shtork, S Alekseenko, K Oberleithner
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 774 (1), 012003, 2021
Analysis of the swirl number in a radial swirler
IV Litvinov, EU Gorelikov, DA Suslov, SI Shtork
AIP Conference Proceedings 2211 (1), 2020
Swirl number analysis in the air hydro-turbine model
IV Litvinov, DR Suslov, IV Gorelikov, OU Sadbakov, SI Shtork
AIP Conference Proceedings 2027 (1), 2018
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