Arni Gesselle Pornea
Design and synthesis of SiO2/TiO2/PDA functionalized phase change microcapsules for efficient solar-driven energy storage
AM Pornea, H Kim
Energy Conversion and Management 232, 113801, 2021
Robust Janus nanocomposite membrane with opposing surface wettability for selective oil-water separation
AM Pornea, JMC Puguan, VG Deonikar, H Kim
Separation and Purification Technology 236, 116297, 2020
Ternary NiCoP urchin like 3D nanostructure supported on nickel foam as a catalyst for hydrogen generation of alkaline NaBH4
AM Pornea, MW Abebe, H Kim
Chemical Physics 516, 152-159, 2019
Hydrogen generation from catalytic hydrolysis of sodium borohydride by a Cu and Mo promoted Co catalyst
VG Deonikar, PV Rathod, AM Pornea, JMC Puguan, K Park, H Kim
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 86, 167-177, 2020
Multifunctional dual-pore network aerogel composite material for broadband sound absorption, thermal insulation, and fire repellent applications
AGM Pornea, JMC Puguan, JLA Ruello, H Kim
ACS Applied Polymer Materials 4 (4), 2880-2895, 2022
Superior decontamination of toxic organic pollutants under solar light by reduced graphene oxide incorporated tetrapods-like Ag3PO4/MnFe2O4 hierarchical composites
VG Deonikar, PV Rathod, AM Pornea, H Kim
Journal of Environmental Management 256, 109930, 2020
Synthesis of hybrid dual-MOF encapsulated phase-changing material for improved broadband light absorption and photothermal conversion enabling efficient solar energy storage
HK Arni M. Pornea
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 244, 0927-0248, 2022
Fabrication of multifunctional wax infused porous PVDF film with switchable temperature response surface and anti corrosion property
AM Pornea, JMC Puguan, VG Deonikar, H Kim
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 82, 211-219, 2020
Dispersion enhancement of boron nitride nanotubes in a wide range of solvents using plant polyphenol-based surface modification
Z Hanif, KI Choi, JH Jung, AGM Pornea, E Park, J Cha, HR Kim, JH Choi, ...
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 62 (6), 2662-2670, 2023
Double-porous PET waste-derived nanofibrous aerogel for effective broadband acoustic absorption and transmission
JMC Puguan, AGM Pornea, JLA Ruello, H Kim
ACS Applied Polymer Materials 4 (4), 2626-2635, 2022
Enhancement of Isotropic Heat Dissipation of Polymer Composites by Using Ternary Filler Systems Consisting of Boron Nitride Nanotubes, h-BN, and Al2O3
AGM Pornea, KI Choi, JH Jung, Z Hanif, C Kwak, J Kim
ACS omega 8 (27), 24454-24466, 2023
Synergistic effect on dispersion, thermal conductivity and mechanical performance of pyrene modified boron nitride nanotubes with Al2O3/epoxy composites
Z Hanif, DD Khoe, KI Choi, JH Jung, AGM Pornea, N Yanar, C Kwak, ...
Composites Science and Technology 247, 110419, 2024
Boron nitride nanotube-aligned electrospun PVDF nanofiber-based composite films applicable to wearable piezoelectric sensors
N Yanar, TYS Kim, J Jung, DK Dinh, K Choi, AG Pornea, D Yadav, Z Hanif, ...
ACS Applied Nano Materials 7 (10), 11715-11726, 2024
Core-satellite assembly of phase-changing material microcapsules enabled with broadband light absorption and localized surface plasmonic resonance for effective photothermal …
HK Arni M. Pornea a b
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 250 (112075), 2023
Preparations and thermal properties of PDMS-AlN-Al2O3 composites through the incorporation of poly (catechol-amine)-modified boron nitride nanotubes
AG Pornea, DK Dinh, Z Hanif, N Yanar, KI Choi, MS Kwak, J Kim
Nanomaterials 14 (10), 847, 2024
Excellent Wideband Acoustic Absorption of a Multifunctional Composite Fibrous Panel with a Dual-Pore Network from Milled Corrugated Box Wastes
JLA Ruello, AGM Pornea, JMC Puguan, H Kim
ACS Applied Polymer Materials 4 (1), 654-662, 2022
Protruding Boron Nitride Nanotubes on the Al2O3 Surface Enabled by Tannic Acid-Assisted Modification to Fabricate a Thermal Conductive Epoxy/Al2O3 Composite
Z Hanif, DK Dinh, AGM Pornea, N Yanar, MS Kwak, J Kim
ACS omega 9 (37), 38946-38956, 2024
Boron nitride nanotubes embedded nylon-6 nanofibers composites for space applications
N Yanar, AG Pornea, DK Dinh, C Kim, E Park, JH Choi, J Kim
Solid State Sciences 160, 107819, 2025
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