John Bradford
John Bradford
Research Ecologist, USGS
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Effects of thinning on drought vulnerability and climate response in north temperate forest ecosystems
AW D'Amato, JB Bradford, S Fraver, BJ Palik
Ecological applications 23 (8), 1735-1742, 2013
Forest management for mitigation and adaptation to climate change: Insights from long-term silviculture experiments
AW D’Amato, JB Bradford, S Fraver, BJ Palik
Forest Ecology and Management 262 (5), 803-816, 2011
Recognizing trade‐offs in multi‐objective land management
JB Bradford, AW D'Amato
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 10 (4), 210-216, 2012
Temperature drives global patterns in forest biomass distribution in leaves, stems, and roots
PB Reich, Y Luo, JB Bradford, H Poorter, CH Perry, J Oleksyn
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (38), 13721-13726, 2014
Climate change reduces extent of temperate drylands and intensifies drought in deep soils
DR Schlaepfer, JB Bradford, WK Lauenroth, SM Munson, B Tietjen, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 14196, 2017
Density‐dependent vulnerability of forest ecosystems to drought
A Bottero, AW D'Amato, BJ Palik, JB Bradford, S Fraver, MA Battaglia, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 54 (6), 1605-1614, 2017
Early indicators of change: divergent climate envelopes between tree life stages imply range shifts in the western u nited s tates
DM Bell, JB Bradford, WK Lauenroth
Global Ecology and Biogeography 23 (2), 168-180, 2014
Climate change, fire management, and ecological services in the southwestern US
MD Hurteau, JB Bradford, PZ Fulé, AH Taylor, KL Martin
Forest Ecology and Management 327, 280-289, 2014
Robust ecological drought projections for drylands in the 21st century
JB Bradford, DR Schlaepfer, WK Lauenroth, KA Palmquist
Global change biology 26 (7), 3906-3919, 2020
Tree age, disturbance history, and carbon stocks and fluxes in subalpine Rocky Mountain forests
JB Bradford, RA Birdsey, LA Joyce, MG Ryan
Global change biology 14 (12), 2882-2897, 2008
Climate change‐induced vegetation shifts lead to more ecological droughts despite projected rainfall increases in many global temperate drylands
B Tietjen, DR Schlaepfer, JB Bradford, WK Lauenroth, SA Hall, ...
Global change biology 23 (7), 2743-2754, 2017
Competition amplifies drought stress in forests across broad climatic and compositional gradients
KE Gleason, JB Bradford, A Bottero, AW D'Amato, S Fraver, BJ Palik, ...
Ecosphere 8 (7), e01849, 2017
Controls over invasion of Bromus tectorum: The importance of climate, soil, disturbance and seed availability
JB Bradford, WK Lauenroth
Journal of Vegetation Science 17 (6), 693-704, 2006
A window of opportunity for climate‐change adaptation: easing tree mortality by reducing forest basal area
JB Bradford, DM Bell
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 15 (1), 11-17, 2017
Ecohydrology and the partitioning AET between transpiration and evaporation in a semiarid steppe
WK Lauenroth, JB Bradford
Ecosystems 9, 756-767, 2006
Patterns of growth dominance in forests of the Rocky Mountains, USA
D Binkley, DM Kashian, S Boyden, MW Kaye, JB Bradford, MA Arthur, ...
Forest ecology and management 236 (2-3), 193-201, 2006
Tree growth and competition in an old‐growth Picea abies forest of boreal Sweden: influence of tree spatial patterning
S Fraver, AW D'Amato, JB Bradford, BG Jonsson, M Jönsson, PA Esseen
Journal of vegetation science 25 (2), 374-385, 2014
A review of precipitation and temperature control on seedling emergence and establishment for ponderosa and lodgepole pine forest regeneration
MD Petrie, AM Wildeman, JB Bradford, RM Hubbard, WK Lauenroth
Forest Ecology and Management 361, 328-338, 2016
Age-related patterns of forest complexity and carbon storage in pine and aspen–birch ecosystems of northern Minnesota, USA
JB Bradford, DN Kastendick
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 40 (3), 401-409, 2010
Ecohydrological niche of sagebrush ecosystems
DR Schlaepfer, WK Lauenroth, JB Bradford
Ecohydrology 5 (4), 453-466, 2012
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