Omar Alfandi
Omar Alfandi
Professor at Zayed University - UAE | Adj. Faculty at Göttingen University - Germany
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Outlier detection: Methods, models, and classification
A Boukerche, L Zheng, O Alfandi
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 53 (3), 1-37, 2020
An authentic-based privacy preservation protocol for smart e-healthcare systems in IoT
BD Deebak, F Al-Turjman, M Aloqaily, O Alfandi
IEEE Access 7, 135632-135649, 2019
A comprehensive survey of the tactile internet: State-of-the-art and research directions
N Promwongsa, A Ebrahimzadeh, D Naboulsi, S Kianpisheh, F Belqasmi, ...
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 23 (1), 472-523, 2020
A survey on boosting IoT security and privacy through blockchain: Exploration, requirements, and open issues
O Alfandi, S Khanji, L Ahmad, A Khattak
Cluster Computing 24 (1), 37-55, 2021
Blockchain and fog computing for cyberphysical systems: The case of smart industry
O Bouachir, M Aloqaily, L Tseng, A Boukerche
Computer 53 (9), 36-45, 2020
A secure fog‐based platform for SCADA‐based IoT critical infrastructure
T Baker, M Asim, A MacDermott, F Iqbal, F Kamoun, B Shah, O Alfandi, ...
Software: Practice and Experience 50 (5), 503-518, 2020
Cyberphysical blockchain-enabled peer-to-peer energy trading
FS Ali, M Aloqaily, O Alfandi, O Ozkasap
Computer 53 (9), 56-65, 2020
Blockchain solution for iot-based critical infrastructures: Byzantine fault tolerance
O Alfandi, S Otoum, Y Jararweh
NOMS 2020-2020 IEEE/IFIP network operations and management symposium, 1-4, 2020
Scalable and secure big data IoT system based on multifactor authentication and lightweight cryptography
S Atiewi, A Al-Rahayfeh, M Almiani, S Yussof, O Alfandi, A Abugabah, ...
IEEE access 8, 113498-113511, 2020
Securing SCADA-based critical infrastructures: Challenges and open issues
N Tariq, M Asim, FA Khan
Procedia computer science 155, 612-617, 2019
Ethical challenges and solutions of generative AI: An interdisciplinary perspective
M Al-kfairy, D Mustafa, N Kshetri, M Insiew, O Alfandi
Informatics 11 (3), 58, 2024
A spam email detection mechanism for English language text emails using deep learning approach
S Kaddoura, O Alfandi, N Dahmani
2020 IEEE 29th international conference on enabling technologies …, 2020
Engaging students with a chatbot-based academic advising system
MA Kuhail, H Al Katheeri, J Negreiros, A Seffah, O Alfandi
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 39 (10), 2115-2141, 2023
IoT-BSFCAN: A smart context-aware system in IoT-Cloud using mobile-fogging
BD Deebak, F Al-Turjman, M Aloqaily, O Alfandi
Future Generation Computer Systems 109, 368-381, 2020
Towards robust key extraction from multipath wireless channels
YEH Shehadeh, O Alfandi, D Hogrefe
Journal of Communications and Networks 14 (4), 385-395, 2012
Analysis of cloud computing attacks and countermeasures
RM Jabir, SIR Khanji, LA Ahmad, O Alfandi, H Said
2016 18th international conference on advanced communication technology …, 2016
Bodacious‐instance coverage mechanism for wireless sensor network
S Ashraf, O Alfandi, A Ahmad, AM Khattak, B Hayat, KH Kim, A Ullah
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2020 (1), 8833767, 2020
Consistently accurate forecasts of temperature within buildings from sensor data using ridge and lasso regression
F Al-Obeidat, B Spencer, O Alfandi
Future Generation Computer Systems 110, 382-392, 2020
Fog computing framework for internet of things applications
M Al-Khafajiy, T Baker, H Al-Libawy, A Waraich, C Chalmers, O Alfandi
2018 11th International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering …, 2018
Intelligent mechanisms for key generation from multipath wireless channels
YEH Shehadeh, O Alfandi, K Tout, D Hogrefe
2011 Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS), 1-6, 2011
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