Anderson Galvão
Triple helix and its evolution: a systematic literature review
A Galvao, C Mascarenhas, C Marques, J Ferreira, V Ratten
Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management 10 (3), 812-833, 2019
Entrepreneurship education and training as facilitators of regional development: A systematic literature review
A Galvão, JJ Ferreira, C Marques
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 25 (1), 17-40, 2018
Entrepreneurship education, gender and family background as antecedents on the entrepreneurial orientation of university students
CSE Marques, G Santos, A Galvão, C Mascarenhas, E Justino
International Journal of Innovation Science 10 (1), 58-70, 2018
The role of entrepreneurship education and training programmes in advancing entrepreneurial skills and new ventures
A Galvão, C Marques, JJ Ferreira
European Journal of Training and Development 44 (6/7), 595-614, 2020
Factors influencing students’ corporate social responsibility orientation in higher education
A Galvão, L Mendes, C Marques, C Mascarenhas
Journal of cleaner production 215, 290-304, 2019
Entrepreneurial university: towards a better understanding of past trends and future directions
C Mascarenhas, CS Marques, AR Galvão, G Santos
Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy …, 2017
A quadruple helix model of entrepreneurship, innovation and stages of economic development
A Galvão, C Mascarenhas, R Gouveia Rodrigues, CS Marques, CT Leal
Review of International Business and Strategy 27 (2), 261-282, 2017
Antecedents of entrepreneurial intentions among students in vocational training programmes
A Galvão, CS Marques, CP Marques
Education+ Training 60 (7/8), 719-734, 2018
Stakeholders’ role in entrepreneurship education and training programmes with impacts on regional development
AR Galvão, CSE Marques, JJ Ferreira, V Braga
Journal of Rural Studies 74, 169-179, 2020
Mentoring entrepreneurship in a rural territory–A qualitative exploration of an entrepreneurship program for rural areas
AR Galvao, C Mascarenhas, CSE Marques, V Braga, M Ferreira
Journal of Rural Studies 78, 314-324, 2020
How perceived organizational support, identification with organization and work engagement influence job satisfaction: a gender-based perspective
C Mascarenhas, AR Galvão, CS Marques
Administrative Sciences 12 (2), 66, 2022
Innovation and entrepreneurship as drivers of economic development: Differences in European economies based on quadruple helix model
V Medeiros, C Marques, AR Galvão, V Braga
Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal 30 (5), 681-704, 2020
The role of start-up incubators in cooperation networks from the perspective of resource dependence and interlocking directorates
A Galvão, C Marques, M Franco, C Mascarenhas
Management Decision 57 (10), 2816-2836, 2019
Analyzing technology transfer offices’ influence for entrepreneurial universities in Portugal
C Mascarenhas, CSE Marques, AR Galvão, D Carlucci, PF Falcão, ...
Management Decision 57 (12), 3473-3491, 2019
Entrepreneurial ecosystems and local economy sustainability: institutional actors' views on neo-rural entrepreneurship in low-density Portuguese territories
U Dal Bello, CS Marques, O Sacramento, AR Galvão
Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal 33 (1), 44-63, 2022
Exploring CSR’s influence on employees’ attitudes and behaviours in higher education
C Mascarenhas, L Mendes, C Marques, A Galvão
Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal 11 (4), 653-678, 2020
Evaluation of an entrepreneurship training programme: a proposal for new guidelines
A Galvão, CS Marques, J Ferreira
Education+ Training 61 (2), 136-152, 2019
Neo-rural small entrepreneurs’ motivations and challenges in Portugal’s low density regions
UB Dal Bello, C Marques, O Sacramento, A Galvão
Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy …, 2022
The influence of research and innovation strategies for smart specialization (Ris3) on university-industry collaboration
C Mascarenhas, CS Marques, JJ Ferreira, AR Galvão
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 7 (1), 82, 2021
Cooperation networks and embeddedness—The case of the portuguese footwear sector
R Rocha, AR Galvão, CS Marques, C Mascarenhas, V Braga
Sustainability 12 (22), 9612, 2020
Sistema negali atlikti operacijos. Bandykite vėliau dar kartą.
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