Zitong Sheng
Zitong Sheng
Patvirtintas el. paštas
From alpha to omega and beyond! A look at the past, present, and (possible) future of psychometric soundness in the Journal of Applied Psychology.
JM Cortina, Z Sheng, SK Keener, KR Keeler, LK Grubb, N Schmitt, ...
Journal of Applied Psychology 105 (12), 1351, 2020
The moderating role of attachment anxiety on social network site use intensity and social capital
H Liu, J Shi, Y Liu, Z Sheng
Psychological Reports 112 (1), 252-265, 2013
Analyzing matrices of meta‐analytic correlations: current practices and recommendations
Z Sheng, W Kong, JM Cortina, S Hou
Research synthesis methods 7 (2), 187-208, 2016
When is helping behavior unhelpful? A conceptual analysis and research agenda
RS Dalal, Z Sheng
Journal of Vocational Behavior 110, 272-285, 2019
APA handbook of human systems integration.
DA Boehm-Davis, FT Durso, JD Lee
American Psychological Association, 2015
A deep dive into worker psychological well-being in the construction industry: A systematic review and conceptual framework
K Li, D Wang, Z Sheng, MA Griffin
Journal of Management in Engineering 38 (5), 04022051, 2022
Where you came from and where you are going: The role of performance trajectory in promotion decisions.
G Alessandri, JM Cortina, Z Sheng, L Borgogni
Journal of Applied Psychology 106 (4), 599, 2021
Extending situational strength theory to account for situation-outcome mismatch
RS Dalal, B Alaybek, Z Sheng, SJ Holland, AJ Tomassetti
Journal of Business and Psychology 35, 273-296, 2020
How team safety stressors affect proactive and prosocial safety behaviors: Felt safety responsibility and affective commitment as mediators
D Wang, Z Sheng, X Wang, MA Griffin, Y Zhang, Z Wang
Safety science 147, 105625, 2022
Situational strength cues from social sources at work: Relative importance and mediated effects
B Alaybek, RS Dalal, Z Sheng, AG Morris, AJ Tomassetti, SJ Holland
Frontiers in Psychology 8, 1512, 2017
Psychological contract of safety and construction worker behavior: Felt safety responsibility and safety-specific trust as mediators
X Wang, Y Qiao, D Wang, Z Sheng, MT Newaz
Journal of construction engineering and management 147 (11), 04021152, 2021
A cross-cultural validation of the psychological contract of safety on construction sites
MT Newaz, D Wang, P Davis, X Wang, M Jefferies, Z Sheng
Safety science 141, 105360, 2021
Improving social maturity of cybersecurity incident response teams
LE Tetrick, SJ Zaccaro, RS Dalal, JA Steinke, KM Repchick, AK Hargrove, ...
Fairfax, VA: George Mason University, 2016
When does safety climate help? A multilevel study of COVID-19 risky decision making and safety performance in the context of business reopening
Y Wang, Y He, Z Sheng, X Yao
Journal of business and psychology 37 (6), 1313-1327, 2022
Mistreatment in organizations: Toward a perpetrator-focused research agenda
RS Dalal, Z Sheng
Industrial and Organizational Psychology 11 (1), 101-106, 2018
Analyzing matrices of meta‐analytic correlations: Current practices and recommendations. Research Synthesis Methods, 7 (2), 187–208
Z Sheng, W Kong, JM Cortina, S Hou
求职自我效能对求职行动的影响: 情绪调节能力的调节作用
盛子桐, 施俊琦
北京大学学报: 自然科学版 48 (3), 507-512, 2012
College Students' Attitudes toward Affirmative Action Policies for Asian Americans.
RJ Lowinger, Z Sheng, H Hyun
North American Journal of Psychology 20 (3), 2018
A multilevel model linking altruistic motivation to workplace safety: The role of servant leadership
Y He, Z Sheng, M Griffin, X Yao
Journal of Organizational Behavior 45 (4), 497-517, 2024
How perceived leader–member exchange differentiation affects construction workers’ safety citizenship behavior: Organizational identity and felt safety responsibility as mediators
D Wang, R Huang, Y Qiao, Z Sheng, K Li, L Zhao
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 149 (11), 04023110, 2023
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