Diego Miranda-Saavedra
Diego Miranda-Saavedra
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Comparative genomics reveals mobile pathogenicity chromosomes in Fusarium
LJ Ma, HC Van Der Does, KA Borkovich, JJ Coleman, MJ Daboussi, ...
Nature 464 (7287), 367-373, 2010
The Ectocarpus genome and the independent evolution of multicellularity in brown algae
JM Cock, L Sterck, P Rouzé, D Scornet, AE Allen, G Amoutzias, ...
Nature 465 (7298), 617-621, 2010
Draft genome sequence of the sexually transmitted pathogen Trichomonas vaginalis
JM Carlton, RP Hirt, JC Silva, AL Delcher, M Schatz, Q Zhao, JR Wortman, ...
Science 315 (5809), 207-212, 2007
Draft genome of the filarial nematode parasite Brugia malayi
E Ghedin, S Wang, D Spiro, E Caler, Q Zhao, J Crabtree, JE Allen, ...
Science 317 (5845), 1756-1760, 2007
Emerging roles of pseudokinases
J Boudeau, D Miranda-Saavedra, GJ Barton, DR Alessi
Trends in cell biology 16 (9), 443-452, 2006
The IL-10/STAT3-mediated anti-inflammatory response: recent developments and future challenges
AP Hutchins, D Diez, D Miranda-Saavedra
Briefings in functional genomics 12 (6), 489-498, 2013
Genomic Analysis of the Basal Lineage Fungus Rhizopus oryzae Reveals a Whole-Genome Duplication
LJ Ma, AS Ibrahim, C Skory, MG Grabherr, G Burger, M Butler, M Elias, ...
PLoS genetics 5 (7), e1000549, 2009
Genome of Acanthamoeba castellanii highlights extensive lateral gene transfer and early evolution of tyrosine kinase signaling
M Clarke, AJ Lohan, B Liu, I Lagkouvardos, S Roy, N Zafar, C Bertelli, ...
Genome biology 14, 1-15, 2013
Human dermal CD14⁺ cells are a transient population of monocyte-derived macrophages.
HM McGovern N, Schlitzer A, Gunawan M, Jardine L, Shin A, Poyner E, Green K ...
Immunity 41 (3), 465-77, 2014
A HaemAtlas: characterizing gene expression in differentiated human blood cells
NA Watkins, A Gusnanto, B De Bono, S De, D Miranda-Saavedra, ...
Blood 113 (19), e1-e9, 2009
Chromerid genomes reveal the evolutionary path from photosynthetic algae to obligate intracellular parasites
YH Woo, H Ansari, TD Otto, CM Klinger, M Kolisko, J Michálek, A Saxena, ...
elife 4, e06974, 2015
Genomic analysis of the causative agents of coccidiosis in domestic chickens
AJ Reid, DP Blake, HR Ansari, K Billington, HP Browne, J Bryant, M Dunn, ...
Genome research 24 (10), 1676-1685, 2014
Classification and functional annotation of eukaryotic protein kinases
D Miranda‐Saavedra, GJ Barton
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 68 (4), 893-914, 2007
PTP1B: a simple enzyme for a complex world
M Feldhammer, N Uetani, D Miranda-Saavedra, ML Tremblay
Critical reviews in biochemistry and molecular biology 48 (5), 430-445, 2013
The phosphoproteome of bloodstream form Trypanosoma brucei, causative agent of African sleeping sickness
IRE Nett, DMA Martin, D Miranda-Saavedra, D Lamont, JD Barber, ...
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 8 (7), 1527-1538, 2009
Cellular network entropy as the energy potential in Waddington's differentiation landscape
CRS Banerji, D Miranda-Saavedra, S Severini, M Widschwendter, ...
Scientific reports 3 (1), 3039, 2013
The transcriptional program controlled by the stem cell leukemia gene Scl/Tal1 during early embryonic hematopoietic development
NK Wilson, D Miranda-Saavedra, S Kinston, N Bonadies, SD Foster, ...
Blood, The Journal of the American Society of Hematology 113 (22), 5456-5465, 2009
Genome-wide enhancer prediction from epigenetic signatures using genetic algorithm-optimized support vector machines
M Fernández, D Miranda-Saavedra
Nucleic Acids Research, 2012
Genome-wide analysis of STAT3 binding in vivo predicts effectors of the anti-inflammatory response in macrophages.
AP Hutchins, S Poulain, D Miranda-Saavedra
Blood, 2012
Epigenetic silencing of BIM in glucocorticoid poor-responsive pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia, and its reversal by histone deacetylase inhibition
PS Bachmann, RG Piazza, ME Janes, NC Wong, C Davies, A Mogavero, ...
Blood, The Journal of the American Society of Hematology 116 (16), 3013-3022, 2010
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