A.A. Garcia-Granada
A.A. Garcia-Granada
CAX researcher, GEPI Grup Enginyeria Producte Industrial, IQS-URL Barcelona
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Mechanical property characterization and simulation of fused deposition modeling Polycarbonate parts
M Domingo-Espin, JM Puigoriol-Forcada, AA Garcia-Granada, J Llumà, ...
Materials & Design 83, 670-677, 2015
Multi Jet Fusion PA12 manufacturing parameters for watertightness, strength and tolerances
S Morales-Planas, J Minguella-Canela, J Lluma-Fuentes, ...
Materials 11 (8), 1472, 2018
Influence of building parameters on the dynamical mechanical properties of Polycarbonate Fused Deposition Modelling parts
M Domingo-Espin, S Borros, N Augllo, AA Garcia-Granda, G Reyes
3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing 1 (2), 70-77, 2014
A study of creep in polycarbonate fused deposition modelling parts
AG Salazar-Martín, MA Pérez, AA García-Granada, G Reyes, ...
Materials & Design 141, 414-425, 2018
Design and Evaluation of an Osteogenesis-on-a-Chip Microfluidic Device Incorporating 3D Cell Culture
H Bahmaee, R Owen, L Boyle, CM Perrault, AA Garcia-Granada, ...
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 8, 1042, 2020
A new procedure based on Sachs’ boring for measuring non-axisymmetric residual stresses
AA Garcia-Granada, DJ Smith, MJ Pavier
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 42 (6), 1027-1047, 2000
The effect of in-plane layer orientation on mixed-mode I-II fracture behavior of 3D-printed poly-carbonate specimens
B Bahrami, MR Ayatollahi, I Sedighi, MA Pérez, AA Garcia-Granada
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 231, 107018, 2020
Ball-burnishing effect on deep residual stress on AISI 1038 and AA2017-T4
AA García-Granada, G Gomez-Gras, R Jerez-Mesa, ...
Materials and Manufacturing Processes 32 (11), 1279-1289, 2017
Prediction of the growth rate for fatigue cracks emanating from cold expanded holes
VD Lacarac, AA Garcia-Granada, DJ Smith, MJ Pavier
International Journal of Fatigue 26 (6), 585-595, 2004
Mechanical behavior of an additively manufactured poly-carbonate specimen: tensile, flexural and mode I fracture properties
I Sedighi, MR Ayatollahi, B Bahrami, MA Pérez-Martínez, ...
Rapid Prototyping Journal 26 (2), 267-277, 2020
Molecular dynamics simulation method applied to nanocavities replication via injection moulding
AAGG J. Pina-Estany
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 87, 1-5, 2017
3D residual stresses around cold expanded holes in a new creep resistant aluminium alloy
AA Garcia-Granada, V Lacarac, DJ Smith, MJ Pavier, R Cook, P Holdway
WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences 25 (1), 1999
Assessment of distortions in the deep-hole technique for measuring residual stress
AA Garcia Granada, D George, DJ Smith
Proceedings of the 11th conference on experimental mechanics, Oxford, 1301-1306, 1998
Creep relaxation of residual stresses around cold expanded holes
AA Garcia-Granada, VD Lacarac, P Holdway, DJ Smith, MJ Pavier
J. Eng. Mater. Technol. 123 (1), 125-131, 2001
A statistical analysis of nanocavities replication applied to injection moulding
J Pina-Estany, C Colominas, J Fraxedas, J Llobet, F Perez-Murano, ...
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 81, 131-140, 2017
A methodology for damping measurement of engineering materials: Application to a structure under bending and torsion loading
A Pérez-Peña, AA García-Granada, J Menacho, JJ Molins, G Reyes
Journal of Vibration and Control 22 (10), 2471-2481, 2016
A new procedure based on Sachs’ boring for measuring non-axisymmetric residual stresses: experimental application
AA Garcia-Granada, VD Lacarac, DJ Smith, MJ Pavier
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 43 (12), 2753-2768, 2001
Replication of nanoscale surface gratings via injection molding
O Muntada-López, J Pina-Estany, C Colominas, J Fraxedas, ...
Micro and Nano Engineering 3, 37-43, 2019
Injection moulding of plastic parts with laser textured surfaces with optical applications
J Pina-Estany, AA García-Granada, E Corull-Massana
Optical Materials 79, 372-380, 2018
Time-dependent mechanical properties in polyetherimide 3D-printed parts are dictated by isotropic performance being accurately predicted by the generalized time hardening model
AG Salazar-Martín, AA García-Granada, G Reyes, G Gomez-Gras, ...
Polymers 12 (3), 678, 2020
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