Amir Pahlavan
Signatures of fluid-fluid displacement in porous media: Wettability, patterns, and pressures
BK Primkulov, AA Pahlavan, X Fu, B Zhao, CW MacMinn, R Juanes
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 875 (R4), 2019
MHD flows of UCM fluids above porous stretching sheets using two-auxiliary-parameter homotopy analysis method
AA Pahlavan, V Aliakbar, F Vakili-Farahani, K Sadeghy
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 14 (2), 473-488, 2009
Wettability and Lenormand's diagram
BK Primkulov, AA Pahlavan, X Fu, B Zhao, CW MacMinn, R Juanes
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 923, A34, 2021
On the use of homotopy analysis method for solving unsteady MHD flow of Maxwellian fluids above impulsively stretching sheets
AA Pahlavan, K Sadeghy
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 14 (4), 1355-1365, 2009
Towards improved social distancing guidelines: Space and time dependence of virus transmission from speech-driven aerosol transport between two individuals
F Yang, AA Pahlavan, S Mendez, M Abkarian, HA Stone
Physical Review Fluids 5 (12), 122501, 2020
Effect of solid properties on slip at a fluid-solid interface
AA Pahlavan, JB Freund
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 83 (2 …, 2011
Forced wetting transition and bubble pinch-off in a capillary tube
B Zhao, AA Pahlavan, L Cueto-Felgueroso, R Juanes
Physical review letters 120 (8), 084501, 2018
Chemotaxis under flow disorder shapes microbial dispersion in porous media
P de Anna, AA Pahlavan, Y Yawata, R Stocker, R Juanes
Nature Physics 17 (1), 68-73, 2021
Thin films in partial wetting: stability, dewetting and coarsening
AA Pahlavan, L Cueto-Felgueroso, AE Hosoi, GH McKinley, R Juanes
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 845, 642-681, 2018
Evaporation of binary-mixture liquid droplets: the formation of picoliter pancakelike shapes
AA Pahlavan, L Yang, CD Bain, HA Stone
Physical review letters 127 (2), 024501, 2021
Thin films in partial wetting: internal selection of contact-line dynamics
AA Pahlavan, L Cueto-Felgueroso, GH McKinley, R Juanes
Physical Review Letters 115 (3), 034502, 2015
Instability regimes in flowing suspensions of swimming micro-organisms
AA Pahlavan, D Saintillan
Physics of Fluids 23 (1), 2011
Chaotic dynamics and oxygen transport in thin films of aerotactic bacteria
B Ezhilan, AA Pahlavan, D Saintillan
Physics of Fluids 24 (9), 2012
Restoring universality to the pinch-off of a bubble
AA Pahlavan, HA Stone, GH McKinley, R Juanes
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (28), 13780-13784, 2019
On the analytical solution of viscous fluid flow past a flat plate
AA Pahlavan, S Borjian
Physics Letters A 372 (20), 3678-3682, 2008
Particle motion nearby rough surfaces
C Kurzthaler, L Zhu, AA Pahlavan, HA Stone
Physical Review Fluids 5 (8), 082101, 2020
Characterizing dissipation in fluid-fluid displacement using constant-rate spontaneous imbibition
BK Primkulov, JYY Chui, AA Pahlavan, CW MacMinn, R Juanes
Physical Review Letters 125 (17), 174503, 2020
Forced imbibition in stratified porous media
NB Lu, AA Pahlavan, CA Browne, DB Amchin, HA Stone, SS Datta
Physical Review Applied 14 (5), 054009, 2020
Three-dimensional self-similarity of coalescing viscous drops in the thin-film regime
PR Kaneelil, AA Pahlavan, N Xue, HA Stone
Physical review letters 129 (14), 144501, 2022
Evaporation of alcohol droplets on surfaces in moist air
L Yang, AA Pahlavan, HA Stone, CD Bain
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (38), e2302653120, 2023
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