Ian Anderson
Ian Anderson
Research Engineer, Vermont Agency of Transportation
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Laboratory Freezing-and-Thawing Durability of Fly Ash Pervious Concrete in a Simulated Field Environment.
I Anderson, MM Dewoolkar
ACI Materials Journal 112 (5), 2015
Analysis of bridge and stream conditions of over 300 Vermont bridges damaged in Tropical Storm Irene
I Anderson, DM Rizzo, DR Huston, MM Dewoolkar
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 13 (11), 1437-1450, 2017
Properties of pervious concrete incorporating recycled concrete aggregate
BM Berry, MJ Suozzo, IA Anderson, MM Dewoolkar
TRB 2012 Annual Meeting-Using Recycled Concrete in Pervious Concrete …, 2012
Stream power application for bridge-damage probability mapping based on empirical evidence from Tropical Storm Irene
I Anderson, DM Rizzo, DR Huston, MM Dewoolkar
Journal of Bridge Engineering 22 (5), 05017001, 2017
Residual and postliquefaction strength of a liquefiable sand
M Dewoolkar, J Hargy, I Anderson, P Alba, SM Olson
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 142 (2), 04015068, 2016
Laboratory and field evaluations of pervious concrete
IA Anderson, M Suozzo, MM Dewoolkar
University of Vermont. Transportation Research Center, 2013
Scour related Vermont bridge damage from tropical storm irene
IA Anderson, MM Dewoolkar, DM Rizzo, DR Huston
Structures Congress 2014, 505-515, 2014
Laboratory performance of pervious concrete subjected to deicing salts and freeze-thaw
I Anderson, D Walsh, L Oka, MM Dewoolkar, S Limberg, A Sevi, ...
University of Vermont. Transportation Research Center, 2015
Assessment of super-slab, a precast concrete bridge approach slab
IA Anderson
Vermont. Agency of Transportation, 2018
Diffraction by a conducting half-plane with application to radar target shadowing
I Anderson
IEE Proceedings-Radar, Sonar and Navigation 149 (2), 70-76, 2002
FEDICS-first year feedback
I Anderson, AW Graham, DG Whyte
Eighth International Conference on Road Traffic Monitoring and Control, 28-32, 1996
Traffic flow improvements at Newbridge Roundabout
I Anderson, KW Martin
Seventh International Conference on Road Traffic Monitoring and Control …, 1994
Evaluating damage to Vermont bridges by Hurricane Irene with multivariate bridge inspection and stream hydrogeologic data
I Anderson, JP Hanley, DM Rizzo, DR Huston, MM Dewoolkar
Journal of Bridge Engineering 25 (10), 04020083, 2020
Laboratory freeze-thaw durability of pervious concrete with respect to curing time and addition of sand, slag, silica fume, and saltguard
A Sevi, D Walsh, IA Anderson, ER Schmeckpeper, MM Dewoolkar
Vermont. Agency of Transportation. Materials and Research Section, 2016
Heuristic assessment of bridge scour sensitivity using differential evolution: case study for linking floodplain encroachment and bridge scour
LJ Howard, IA Anderson, KL Underwood, MM Dewoolkar, LM Deschaine, ...
Environmental Systems Research 5, 1-12, 2016
Assessment of the HAWK Crosswalk Traffic Signal
IA Anderson
Vermont. Agency of Transportation, 2019
Assessment of the Composite Arch Bridge
IA Anderson
Vermont. Agency of Transportation, 2018
Improving Detection And Prediction Of Bridge Scour Damage And Vulnerability Under Extreme Flood Events Using Geomorphic And Watershed Data
I Anderson
The University of Vermont and State Agricultural College, 2018
Multivariate feature selection for predicting scour-related bridge damage using a genetic algorithm
I Anderson
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, H13F-1613, 2015
Scour damage to vermont bridges and scour monitoring
I Anderson, MM Dewoolkar, DM Rizzo, DR Huston, J Frolik
Vermont. Agency of Transportation, 2015
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