Kristen (Hopperstad) Breaux, PhD
Kristen (Hopperstad) Breaux, PhD
Kiti vardaiKristen Hopperstad
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Mosquitoes of field and forest: the scale of habitat segregation in a diverse mosquito assemblage
MH Reiskind, RH Griffin, MS Janairo, KA Hopperstad
Medical and Veterinary Entomology 31 (1), 44-54, 2017
Morganella morganii (Enterobacteriales: Enterobacteriaceae) is a lethal pathogen of Mexican fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) larvae
B Salas, HE Conway, EL Schuenzel, K Hopperstad, C Vitek, DC Vacek
Florida Entomologist 100 (4), 743-751, 2017
Recent Changes in the Local Distribution of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) in South Florida, USA
KA Hopperstad, MH Reiskind
Journal of medical entomology 53 (4), 836-842, 2016
Simplification of vector communities during suburban succession
MR Spence Beaulieu, K Hopperstad, RR Dunn, MH Reiskind
PloS one 14 (5), e0215485, 2019
Estimations of Fine-Scale Species Distributions of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) in Eastern Florida
KA Hopperstad, MF Sallam, MH Reiskind
Journal of Medical Entomology 58 (2), 699-707, 2021
Landscape‐level variation in Bt crops predict Helicoverpa zea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) resistance in cotton agroecosystems
SJ Dorman, KA Hopperstad, BJ Reich, S Majumder, G Kennedy, ...
Pest Management Science 77 (12), 5454-5462, 2021
Soybeans as a non-Bt refuge for Helicoverpa zea in maize-cotton agroecosystems
SJ Dorman, KA Hopperstad, BJ Reich, G Kennedy, AS Huseth
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 322, 107642, 2021
Characterization of novel human immortalized thyroid follicular epithelial cell lines
K Hopperstad, T Truschel, T Wahlicht, W Stewart, A Eicher, T May, ...
Applied in vitro toxicology 7 (2), 39-49, 2021
Patterns of genetic divergence among populations of Aedes aegypti L. (Diptera: Culicidae) in the southeastern USA
KA Hopperstad, MH Reiskind, PE Labadie, MO Burford Reiskind
Parasites & vectors 12, 1-9, 2019
Chemical screening in an estrogen receptor transactivation assay with metabolic competence
K Hopperstad, DE DeGroot, T Zurlinden, C Brinkman, RS Thomas, ...
Toxicological Sciences 187 (1), 112-126, 2022
Sunshine versus gold: The effect of population age on genetic structure of an invasive mosquito
E Pless, KA Hopperstad, N Ledesma, D Dixon, JA Henke, JR Powell
Ecology and Evolution 10 (18), 9588-9599, 2020
The DevTox germ layer reporter platform: An assay adaptation of the human pluripotent stem cell test
JT Gamble, K Hopperstad, C Deisenroth
Toxics 10 (7), 392, 2022
Development of a bioprinter-based method for incorporating metabolic competence into high-throughput in vitro assays
K Hopperstad, C Deisenroth
Frontiers in Toxicology 5, 1196245, 2023
Surveillance for immature mosquitoes in windshield wash basins at gas stations
MH Reiskind, KA Hopperstad
Journal of Medical Entomology 54 (6), 1775-1777, 2017
Technical evaluation and standardization of the human thyroid microtissue assay
B Foley, K Hopperstad, J Gamble, SG Lynn, RS Thomas, C Deisenroth
Toxicological Sciences 199 (1), 89-107, 2024
The Yellow Fever Mosquito (Aedes aegypti) in Florida: Landscape Ecology and Population Genetics
KA Hopperstad
North Carolina State University, 2018
Technical Evaluation and Standardization of the Human Thyroid
B Foley, K Hopperstad, J Gamble, SG Lynn, RS Thomas, C Deisenroth
Toxicological Sciences, 0
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