Margherita Maraschini
Margherita Maraschini
Senior Data Scientist
Patvirtintas el. paštas
A Monte Carlo multimodal inversion of surface waves
M Maraschini, S Foti
Geophysical Journal International 182 (3), 1557-1566, 2010
A new misfit function for multimodal inversion of surface waves
M Maraschini, F Ernst, S Foti, LV Socco
Geophysics 75 (4), G31-G43, 2010
Geotechnical aspects of the L’Aquila earthquake
P Monaco, G Totani, G Barla, A Cavallaro, A Costanzo, A d’Onofrio, ...
Special topics in earthquake geotechnical engineering, 1-66, 2012
Surface wave surveys for seismic site characterization of accelerometric stations in ITACA
S Foti, S Parolai, P Bergamo, G Di Giulio, M Maraschini, G Milana, ...
Bulletin of earthquake engineering 9, 1797-1820, 2011
Geophysical investigation of the Sandalp rock avalanche deposits
LV Socco, D Jongmans, D Boiero, S Stocco, M Maraschini, K Tokeshi, ...
Journal of Applied Geophysics 70 (4), 277-291, 2010
On the use of the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute's prototype seabed-coupled shear wave vibrator for shallow soil characterization–I. Acquisition and processing of multimodal …
M Vanneste, C Madshus, VL Socco, M Maraschini, PM Sparrevik, ...
Geophysical Journal International 185 (1), 221-236, 2011
On the use of the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute's prototype seabed-coupled shear wave vibrator for shallow soil characterization - II. Joint inversion of multimodal Love and …
VL Socco, D Boiero, M Maraschini, M Vanneste, C Madshus, ...
Geophysical Journal International 185 (1), 237-252, 2011
Seismic characterization of shallow bedrock sites with multimodal Monte Carlo inversion of surface wave data
P Bergamo, C Comina, S Foti, M Maraschini
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 31 (3), 530-534, 2011
Geotechnical characterization of the Aterno valley for site response analyses
FS de Magistris, A d’Onofrio, L Evangelista, S Foti, M Maraschini, ...
Rivista Italiana di Geotecnica 48 (3), 23-43, 2013
Source separation by iterative rank reduction-theory and applications
M Maraschini, R Dyer, K Stevens, D Bird
74th EAGE Conference and Exhibition incorporating EUROPEC 2012, cp-293-00341, 2012
A new approach for the inversion of Rayleigh and Scholte waves in site characterization
M Maraschini
Politecnico di Torino, 2008
A new approach for multimodal inversion of Rayleigh and Scholte waves
M Maraschini, F Ernst, D Boiero, S Foti, LV Socco
70th EAGE Conference and Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2008, cp-40-00105, 2008
P and S wave velocity model retrieved by multi modal surface wave analysis
D Boiero, M Maraschini, L Socco
Conference Proceedings & Exhibitors' Catalogiue, 1-5, 2009
Source separation by iterative rank reduction—Theory and applications: 74th Annual International Conference and Exhibition, EAGE
M Maraschini, R Dyer, K Stevens, D Bird
Extended Abstracts A 44, 2012
Surface wave analysis for S-wave static correction computation
LV Socco, D Boiero, S Foti, M Maraschini, C Piatti, P Bergamo, F Garofalo, ...
SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, SEG-2010-1929, 2010
An iterative SVD method for deblending: Theory and examples
M Maraschini, R Dyer, K Stevens, D Bird, S King
SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, SEG-2012-0675, 2012
On the use of NGI's prototype seabed-coupled shear wave vibrator for shallow soil characterization-Part I: Acquisition and processing of surface waves
M Vanneste, C Madshus, LV Socco, M Maraschini, PM Sparrevik, ...
Geophysical Journal International 185 (1), 221-236, 2011
Method and device for deblending seismic data using self-adapting and/or selective radon interpolation
R Haacke, G Poole, M Maraschini
US Patent 10,768,327, 2020
Scale properties of the seismic wavefield perspectives for full-waveform matching
M Maraschini, D Boiero, S Foti, L Valentina Socco
Geophysics 76 (5), A37-A44, 2011
On the use of NGI’s prototype seabed‐coupled shear wave vibrator for 1 shallow soil characterization–Part II: Joint Inversion of multi‐modal Love and Scholte surface waves
L Socco, D Boiero, M Maraschini, M Vanneste, C Madshus, H Westerdahl, ...
Geophysical Journal International 185, 237-252, 2011
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