Ralph Stadhouders
Ralph Stadhouders
Erasmus MC, University Medical Center Rotterdam
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Systemic human ILC precursors provide a substrate for tissue ILC differentiation
AI Lim, Y Li, S Lopez-Lastra, R Stadhouders, F Paul, A Casrouge, ...
Cell 168 (6), 1086-1100. e10, 2017
The PD-1/PD-L1-checkpoint restrains T cell immunity in tumor-draining lymph nodes
F Dammeijer, M van Gulijk, EE Mulder, M Lukkes, L Klaase, ...
Cancer cell 38 (5), 685-700. e8, 2020
Transcription factors and 3D genome conformation in cell-fate decisions
R Stadhouders, GJ Filion, T Graf
Nature 569 (7756), 345-354, 2019
The effect of primer-template mismatches on the detection and quantification of nucleic acids using the 5′ nuclease assay
R Stadhouders, SD Pas, J Anber, J Voermans, THM Mes, M Schutten
The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics 12 (1), 109-117, 2010
Derepression of an endogenous long terminal repeat activates the CSF1R proto-oncogene in human lymphoma
B Lamprecht, K Walter, S Kreher, R Kumar, M Hummel, D Lenze, ...
Nature medicine 16 (5), 571-579, 2010
Transcription factors orchestrate dynamic interplay between genome topology and gene regulation during cell reprogramming
R Stadhouders, E Vidal, F Serra, B Di Stefano, F Le Dily, J Quilez, ...
Nature genetics 50 (2), 238-249, 2018
A cellular and molecular view of T helper 17 cell plasticity in autoimmunity
R Stadhouders, E Lubberts, RW Hendriks
Journal of autoimmunity 87, 1-15, 2018
The genome-wide dynamics of the binding of Ldb1 complexes during erythroid differentiation
E Soler, C Andrieu-Soler, E De Boer, JC Bryne, S Thongjuea, ...
Genes & development 24 (3), 277-289, 2010
Transcription factors drive Tet2-mediated enhancer demethylation to reprogram cell fate
JL Sardina, S Collombet, TV Tian, A Gómez, B Di Stefano, C Berenguer, ...
Cell stem cell 23 (5), 727-741. e9, 2018
HBS1L-MYB intergenic variants modulate fetal hemoglobin via long-range MYB enhancers
R Stadhouders, S Aktuna, S Thongjuea, A Aghajanirefah, F Pourfarzad, ...
The Journal of clinical investigation 124 (4), 1699-1710, 2014
Dynamic long‐range chromatin interactions control Myb proto‐oncogene transcription during erythroid development
R Stadhouders, S Thongjuea, C Andrieu‐Soler, RJ Palstra, JC Bryne, ...
The EMBO journal 31 (4), 986-999, 2012
Multiplexed chromosome conformation capture sequencing for rapid genome-scale high-resolution detection of long-range chromatin interactions
R Stadhouders, P Kolovos, R Brouwer, J Zuin, A Van Den Heuvel, ...
Nature protocols 8 (3), 509-524, 2013
Butyrate inhibits human mast cell activation via epigenetic regulation of FcεRI‐mediated signaling
J Folkerts, F Redegeld, G Folkerts, B Blokhuis, MPM van den Berg, ...
Allergy 75 (8), 1966-1978, 2020
The DNA-binding protein CTCF limits proximal Vκ recombination and restricts κ enhancer interactions to the immunoglobulin κ light chain locus
CR de Almeida, R Stadhouders, MJW De Bruijn, IM Bergen, S Thongjuea, ...
Immunity 35 (4), 501-513, 2011
KLRG1 and NKp46 discriminate subpopulations of human CD117+CRTH2 ILCs biased toward ILC2 or ILC3
M Nagasawa, BA Heesters, CMA Kradolfer, L Krabbendam, ...
Journal of Experimental Medicine 216 (8), 1762-1776, 2019
C/EBPα creates elite cells for iPSC reprogramming by upregulating Klf4 and increasing the levels of Lsd1 and Brd4
B Di Stefano, S Collombet, JS Jakobsen, M Wierer, JL Sardina, A Lackner, ...
Nature cell biology 18 (4), 371-381, 2016
r3Cseq: an R/Bioconductor package for the discovery of long-range genomic interactions from chromosome conformation capture and next-generation sequencing data
S Thongjuea, R Stadhouders, FG Grosveld, E Soler, B Lenhard
Nucleic acids research 41 (13), e132-e132, 2013
CTCF is dispensable for immune cell transdifferentiation but facilitates an acute inflammatory response
G Stik, E Vidal, M Barrero, S Cuartero, M Vila-Casadesús, ...
Nature genetics 52 (7), 655-661, 2020
Spatially clustered loci with multiple enhancers are frequent targets of HIV-1 integration
B Lucic, HC Chen, M Kuzman, E Zorita, J Wegner, V Minneker, W Wang, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 4059, 2019
Control of developmentally primed erythroid genes by combinatorial co-repressor actions
R Stadhouders, A Cico, T Stephen, S Thongjuea, P Kolovos, HI Baymaz, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 8893, 2015
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