Rena C. Yu
Rena C. Yu
Professor of Continuum Mechanics in the University of Castilla-la Mancha, Spain
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Effect of the loading frequency on the compressive fatigue behavior of plain and fiber reinforced concrete
A Medeiros, X Zhang, G Ruiz, RC Yu, MSL Velasco
International Journal of Fatigue 70, 342-350, 2015
Fracture behaviour of high-strength concrete at a wide range of loading rates
XX Zhang, G Ruiz, RC Yu, M Tarifa
International Journal of Impact Engineering 36 (10-11), 1204-1209, 2009
Fracture behaviour of steel fibre-reinforced concrete at a wide range of loading rates
XX Zhang, AM Abd Elazim, G Ruiz, RC Yu
International Journal of Impact Engineering 71, 89-96, 2014
Compressive fatigue damage and failure mechanism of fiber reinforced cementitious material with high ductility
QL Li, B Huang, S Xu, B Zhou, RC Yu
Cement and Concrete Research 90, 174-183, 2016
Effect of loading rate on crack velocities in HSC
XX Zhang, RC Yu, G Ruiz, M Tarifa, MA Camara
International Journal of Impact Engineering 37 (4), 359-370, 2010
A probabilistic fatigue model based on the initial distribution to consider frequency effect in plain and fiber reinforced concrete
L Saucedo, RC Yu, A Medeiros, X Zhang, G Ruiz
International Journal of Fatigue 48, 308-318, 2013
A numerical study on the fatigue life design of concrete slabs for railway tracks
E Poveda, RC Yu, JC Lancha, G Ruiz
Engineering Structures 100, 455-467, 2015
A loading rate dependent cohesive model for concrete fracture
AL Rosa, RC Yu, G Ruiz, L Saucedo, J Sousa
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 82, 195-208, 2012
Influence of the fiber content on the compressive low-cycle fatigue behavior of self-compacting SFRC
E Poveda, G Ruiz, H Cifuentes, RC Yu, X Zhang
International Journal of Fatigue 101, 9-17, 2017
Three-dimensional modeling of intersonic shear-crack growth in asymmetrically loaded unidirectional composite plates
C Yu, A Pandolfi, M Ortiz, D Coker, AJ Rosakis
International Journal of Solids and Structures 39 (25), 6135-6157, 2002
Numerical investigation on the dynamic behavior of advanced ceramics
RC Yu, G Ruiz, A Pandolfi
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 71 (4), 897-911, 2004
A New Drop‐Weight Impact Machine for Studying Fracture Processes in Structural Concrete
XX Zhang, G Ruiz, RC Yu
Strain 46 (3), 252-257, 2010
Explicit finite element modeling of static crack propagation in reinforced concrete
RC Yu, G Ruiz
International journal of fracture 141 (3-4), 357-372, 2006
A comparative study between discrete and continuum models to simulate concrete fracture
RC Yu, G Ruiz, EWV Chaves
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 75 (1), 117-127, 2008
Number of tests and corresponding error in concrete fatigue
JJ Ortega, G Ruiz, RC Yu, N Afanador-García, M Tarifa, E Poveda, ...
International Journal of Fatigue, 2018
An analytical method for predicting mode-I crack propagation process and resistance curve of rock and concrete materials
HW Wang, ZM Wu, YJ Wang, RC Yu
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 100, 328-341, 2019
Fully-developed FPZ length in quasi-brittle materials
L Saucedo, RC Yu, G Ruiz
International journal of fracture 178 (1-2), 97-112, 2012
Effect of Loading Rate on Fracture Energy of High‐Strength Concrete
G Ruiz, XX Zhang, RC Yu, R Porras, E Poveda, JR Del Viso
Strain 47 (6), 518-524, 2011
Dynamic consolidation problems in saturated soils solved through u–w formulation in a LME meshfree framework
P Navas, RC Yu, S López-Querol, B Li
Computers and Geotechnics 79, 55-72, 2016
Dynamic fracture behaviour in fibre-reinforced cementitious composites
RC Yu, H Cifuentes, I Rivero, G Ruiz, X Zhang
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2016
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