Konstantin Titov
Konstantin Titov
St.Petersburg State University, professor of geophysics
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An overview of the spectral induced polarization method for near‐surface applications
A Kemna, A Binley, G Cassiani, E Niederleithinger, A Revil, L Slater, ...
Near Surface Geophysics 10 (6), 453-468, 2012
Theoretical and experimental study of time domain-induced polarization in water-saturated sands
K Titov, V Komarov, V Tarasov, A Levitski
Journal of applied geophysics 50 (4), 417-433, 2002
On the use of the Cole–Cole equations in spectral induced polarization
A Tarasov, K Titov
Geophysical Journal International 195 (1), 352-356, 2013
Applied hydrogeophysics
H Vereecken, A Binley, G Cassiani, A Revil, K Titov
Applied hydrogeophysics, 1-8, 2006
Characterization of transport properties of argillaceous sediments: Application to the Callovo‐Oxfordian argillite
A Revil, P Leroy, K Titov
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 110 (B6), 2005
Induced polarization of unsaturated sands determined through time domain measurements
K Titov, A Kemna, A Tarasov, H Vereecken
Vadose Zone Journal 3 (4), 1160-1168, 2004
Relaxation time distribution from time domain induced polarization measurements
A Tarasov, K Titov
Geophysical Journal International 170 (1), 31-43, 2007
Relationships between induced polarization relaxation time and hydraulic properties of sandstone
K Titov, A Tarasov, Y Ilyin, N Seleznev, A Boyd
Geophysical Journal International 180 (3), 1095-1106, 2010
Induced polarization of disseminated electronically conductive minerals: a semi-empirical model
G Gurin, K Titov, Y Ilyin, A Tarasov
Geophysical Journal International 200 (3), 1555-1565, 2015
Monitoring of an infiltration experiment using the self‐potential method
B Suski, A Revil, K Titov, P Konosavsky, M Voltz, C Dagès, O Huttel
Water Resources Research 42 (8), 2006
Numerical modelling of self-potential signals associated with a pumping test experiment
K Titov, A Revil, P Konosavsky, S Straface, S Troisi
Geophysical Journal International 162 (2), 641-650, 2005
Electrokinetic spontaneous polarization in porous media: petrophysics and numerical modelling
K Titov, Y Ilyin, P Konosavski, A Levitski
Journal of Hydrology 267 (3-4), 207-216, 2002
Time domain spectral induced polarization of disseminated electronic conductors: laboratory data analysis through the Debye decomposition approach
G Gurin, A Tarasov, Y Ilyin, K Titov
Journal of Applied Geophysics 98, 44-53, 2013
Monitoring of water seepage from a reservoir using resistivity and self polarization methods: case history of the Petergoph fountain water supply system
K Titov, V Loukhmanov, A Potapov
First Break 18 (10), 2000
Applications of the self-potential method to hydrological problems
A Revil, K Titov, C Doussan, V Lapenna
Applied hydrogeophysics, 255-292, 2006
Relation of SIP relaxation time of sands to salinity, grain size and hydraulic conductivity
A Kemna, HM Münch, K Titov, E Zimmermann, H Vereecken
Near Surface 2005-11th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering …, 2005
Self-potential monitoring of a crude oil-contaminated site (Trecate, Italy)
V Giampaolo, E Rizzo, K Titov, P Konosavsky, D Laletina, A Maineult, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21, 8932-8947, 2014
Upscaling of spectral induced polarization response using random tube networks
A Maineult, A Revil, C Camerlynck, N Florsch, K Titov
Geophysical Journal International 209 (2), 948-960, 2017
Combined application of surface geoelectrical methods for groundwater-flow modeling: A case history
KV Titov, A Levitski, PK Konosavski, AV Tarasov, YT Ilyin, MA Buès
Geophysics 70 (5), H21-H31, 2005
Induced polarization of rocks containing pyrite: Interpretation based on X-ray computed tomography
G Gurin, Y Ilyin, S Nilov, D Ivanov, E Kozlov, K Titov
Journal of Applied Geophysics 154, 50-63, 2018
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