Alessandro Bianchi
Alessandro Bianchi
Dipartimento Informatica - Università di Bari
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Iterative reengineering of legacy systems
A Bianchi, D Caivano, V Marengo, G Visaggio
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 29 (3), 225-241, 2003
Evaluating software degradation through entropy
A Bianchi, D Caivano, F Lanubile, G Visaggio
Proceedings Seventh International Software Metrics Symposium, 210-219, 2001
An exploratory case study of the maintenance effectiveness of traceability models
A Bianchi, AR Fasolino, G Visaggio
Proceedings IWPC 2000. 8th International workshop on program comprehension …, 2000
Overcoming bread quality decay concerns: Main issues for bread shelf life as a function of biological leavening agents and different extra ingredients used in formulation. A review
I Taglieri, M Macaluso, A Bianchi, C Sanmartin, MF Quartacci, A Zinnai, ...
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 101 (5), 1732-1743, 2021
An industrial case study on reuse oriented development
MT Baldassarre, A Bianchi, D Caivano, G Visaggio
21st IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM'05), 283-292, 2005
Method and process for iterative reengineering of data in a legacy system
A Bianchi, D Caivano, G Visaggio
Proceedings Seventh Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 86-96, 2000
A controlled experiment to assess the effectiveness of inspection meetings
A Bianchi, F Lanubile, G Visaggio
Proceedings seventh international software metrics symposium, 42-50, 2001
Iterative reengineering of legacy functions
A Bianchi, D Caivano, V Marengo, G Visaggio
Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance. ICSM 2001 …, 2001
By-products from winemaking and olive mill value chains for the enrichment of refined olive oil: Technological challenges and nutraceutical features
M Macaluso, A Bianchi, C Sanmartin, I Taglieri, F Venturi, L Testai, L Flori, ...
Foods 9 (10), 1390, 2020
Maintenance-oriented selection of software components
P Ardimento, A Bianchi, G Visaggio
Eighth European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 2004 …, 2004
An empirical study of distributed software maintenance
A Bianchi, D Caivano, F Lanubile, F Rago, G Visaggio
International Conference on Software Maintenance, 2002. Proceedings., 103-109, 2002
Influence of the atmosphere composition during malaxation and storage on the shelf life of an unfiltered extra virgin olive oil: Preliminary results
M Macaluso, I Taglieri, F Venturi, C Sanmartin, A Bianchi, M De Leo, ...
European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 123 (2), 2000122, 2021
Preliminary Description of NACK-based Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol for MANETs
GV Alessandro Bianchi, Sebastiano Pizzutilo
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Software Engineering and …, 2014
An ASM-based Model for Grid Job Management
A Bianchi, L Manelli, P Sebastiano
Informatica - An International Journal of Computing and Informatics 37 (3 …, 2013
COTS products characterization: Proposal and empirical assessment
A Bianchi, D Caivano, R Conradi, L Jaccheri, M Torchiano, G Visaggio
Empirical Methods and Studies in Software Engineering: Experiences from …, 2003
Quality models reuse: experimentation on field
A Bianchi, D Caivano, G Visaggio
Proceedings 26th Annual International Computer Software and Applications …, 2002
Issues in design and implementation of multimedia software systems
A Bianchi, P Bottoni, P Mussio
Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and …, 1999
A storytest-driven approach to the migration of legacy systems
F Abbattista, A Bianchi, F Lanubile
Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming: 10th …, 2009
Applying predicate abstraction to abstract state machines
A Bianchi, S Pizzutilo, G Vessio
International Workshop on Business Process Modeling, Development and Support …, 2015
Full reuse maintenance process for reducing software degradation
MT Baldassarre, A Bianchi, D Caivano, CA Visaggio
Seventh European Conference onSoftware Maintenance and Reengineering, 2003 …, 2003
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