Mohammed El-Absi
Mohammed El-Absi
Senior Researcher in Wireless Communications
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Terahertz communications and sensing for 6G and beyond: A comprehensive review
W Jiang, Q Zhou, J He, MA Habibi, S Melnyk, M El-Absi, B Han, ...
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2024
High-accuracy indoor localization based on chipless RFID systems at THz band
M El-Absi, AA Abbas, A Abuelhaija, F Zheng, K Solbach, T Kaiser
IEEE access 6, 54355-54368, 2018
THz systems exploiting photonics and communications technologies
JC Balzer, CJ Saraceno, M Koch, P Kaurav, UR Pfeiffer, ...
IEEE Journal of Microwaves 3 (1), 268-288, 2022
Frequency selective surface coded retroreflectors for chipless indoor localization tag landmarks
A Jiménez-Sáez, M Schüßler, M El-Absi, AA Abbas, K Solbach, T Kaiser, ...
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 19 (5), 726-730, 2020
Antenna selection for reliable MIMO-OFDM interference alignment systems: Measurement-based evaluation
M El-Absi, S Galih, M Hoffmann, M El-Hadidy, T Kaiser
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (5), 2965-2977, 2015
Dielectric resonator-based passive chipless tag with angle-of-arrival sensing
AA Abbas, M El-Absi, A Abualhijaa, K Solbach, T Kaiser
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 67 (5), 2010-2017, 2019
Frequency-coded mm-wave tags for self-localization system using dielectric resonators
A Jiménez-Sáez, A Alhaj-Abbas, M Schüßler, A Abuelhaija, M El-Absi, ...
Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves 41, 908-925, 2020
Interference alignment with frequency-clustering for efficient resource allocation in cognitive radio networks
M El-Absi, M Shaat, F Bader, T Kaiser
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 14 (12), 7070-7082, 2015
Indoor THz SAR trajectory deviations effects and compensation with passive sub-mm localization system
A Batra, M El-Absi, M Wiemeler, D Göhringer, T Kaiser
Ieee Access 8, 177519-177533, 2020
Chipless RFID infrastructure based self-localization: Testbed evaluation
M El-Absi, AA Abbas, A Abuelhaija, K Solbach, T Kaiser
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (7), 7751-7761, 2020
RCS enhancement of dielectric resonator tag using spherical lens
A Alhaj Abbas, M El-Absi, A Abuelhaija, K Solbach, T Kaiser
Frequenz 73 (5-6), 161-170, 2019
Corner reflector tag with RCS frequency coding by dielectric resonators
AA Abbas, M El-Absi, A Abuelhaija, K Solbach, T Kaiser
IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation 15 (6), 560-570, 2021
THz passive RFID tag based on dielectric resonator linear array
AA Abbas, M El-Absi, A Abuelhaijay, K Solbach, T Kaiser
2019 Second International Workshop on Mobile Terahertz Systems (IWMTS), 1-5, 2019
A novel FDD massive MIMO system based on downlink spatial channel estimation without CSIT
AA Esswie, M El-Absi, OA Dobre, S Ikki, T Kaiser
2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-6, 2017
Artificial noise-based physical-layer security in interference alignment multipair two-way relaying networks
D Tubail, M El-Absi, SS Ikki, W Mesbah, T Kaiser
IEEE Access 6, 19073-19085, 2018
Chipless RFID tags placement optimization as infrastructure for maximal localization coverage
M El-Absi, AAH Abbas, T Kaiser
IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification 6, 368-380, 2022
Experimental demonstration of double-notch RCS spectral signature of corner reflector tag for THz self-localization system
K Solbach, AA Abbas, M El-Absi, A Abuelhaija, T Kaiser
2020 Third International Workshop on Mobile Terahertz Systems (IWMTS), 1-4, 2020
Wide-angle RCS enhanced tag based on dielectric resonator–lens combination
A Alhaj Abbas, M El-Absi, A Abuelhaija, K Solbach, T Kaiser
Frequenz 74 (1-2), 1-8, 2020
Indoor large-scale MIMO-based RSSI localization with low-complexity RFID infrastructure
M El-Absi, F Zheng, A Abuelhaija, A Al-haj Abbas, K Solbach, T Kaiser
Sensors 20 (14), 3933, 2020
Hybrid delay-phase precoding in wideband UM-MIMO systems under true time delay and phase shifter hardware limitations
A Najjar, M El-Absi, T Kaiser
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 23 (7), 7246-7262, 2023
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