Axelle Calcus
Axelle Calcus
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Is There a Relationship Between Speech Identification in Noise and Categorical Perception in Children With Dyslexia?
A Calcus, C Lorenzi, G Collet, C Colin, R Kolinsky
Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 2016
Peripheral and central contribution to the difficulty of speech in noise perception in dyslexic children
A Calcus, P Deltenre, C Colin, R Kolinsky
Developmental Science, 2018
Functional brain alterations following mild-to-moderate sensorineural hearing loss in children
A Calcus, O Tuomainen, A Campos, S Rosen, LF Halliday
Elife 8, e46965, 2019
The “rowdy classroom problem” in children with dyslexia: A review
A Calcus, I Hoonhorst, C Colin, P Deltenre, R Kolinsky
Reading and dyslexia: From basic functions to higher order cognition, 183-211, 2018
Informational masking of speech in dyslexic children
A Calcus, C Colin, P Deltenre, R Kolinsky
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 137 (6), EL496-EL502, 2015
Impaired frequency selectivity and sensitivity to temporal fine structure, but not envelope cues, in children with mild-to-moderate sensorineural hearing loss
LF Halliday, S Rosen, O Tuomainen, A Calcus
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 146 (6), 4299-4314, 2019
MMN and P300 are both modulated by the featured/featureless nature of deviant stimuli
A Calcus, P Deltenre, I Hoonhorst, G Collet, E Markessis, C Colin
Clinical neurophysiology 126 (9), 1727-1734, 2015
Effects of noise reduction on AM and FM perception
DT Ives, A Calcus, S Kalluri, O Strelcyk, S Sheft, C Lorenzi
Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology 14, 149-157, 2013
Informational masking of complex tones in dyslexic children
A Calcus, C Colin, P Deltenre, R Kolinsky
Neuroscience letters 584, 71-76, 2015
Simultaneous subcortical and cortical electrophysiological recordings of spectro-temporal processing in humans
A Calcus, JA Undurraga, D Vickers
Frontiers in neurology 13, 928158, 2022
Isolating informational masking in both pure and complex tone sequences
A Calcus, T Agus, R Kolinsky, C Colin, P Deltenre
Ear and hearing 36 (3), 330-337, 2015
Development of auditory scene analysis: a mini-review
A Calcus
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 18, 1352247, 2024
The Effect of Cued-Speech (CS) Perception on Auditory Processing in Typically Hearing (TH) Individuals Who Are Either Naïve or Experienced CS Producers
CJ Caron, C Vilain, JL Schwartz, C Bayard, A Calcus, J Leybaert, C Colin
Brain Sciences 13 (7), 1036, 2023
Switching streams across ears to evaluate informational masking of speech-on-speech
A Calcus, T Schoof, S Rosen, B Shinn-Cunningham, P Souza
Ear and hearing 41 (1), 208-216, 2020
Neural processing of auditory temporal modulations in awake infants
I Lorenzini, P Labendzki, C Basire, M Hababou-Bernson, A Calcus, ...
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 154 (3), 1954-1962, 2023
An original paradigm to investigate pure informational masking using complex tones
A Calcus, TR Agus, C Colin, R Kolinsky, P Deltenre
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 19 (1), 2013
Neural signatures of stream segregation: From childhood to adulthood
E Benocci, C Alain, A Calcus
bioRxiv, 2025.02. 05.636482, 2025
Stream segregation, musical abilities, and the development of speech perception in noise
E Benocci, A Calcus
JASA Express Letters 4 (12), 2024
Effects of childhood hearing loss on the subcortical and cortical representation of speech
A Calcus, S Rosen
bioRxiv, 2024.02. 22.581639, 2024
Development of auditory tracking and speech perception in noise
A Calcus, E Benocci
OSF, 2022
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