Peter Varga
Peter Varga
AO Research Institute Davos
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Finite element analysis for prediction of bone strength
PK Zysset, E Dall'Ara, P Varga, DH Pahr
BoneKEy reports 2, 386, 2013
Increased bone resorption and impaired bone microarchitecture in short-term and extended high-fat diet–induced obesity
JM Patsch, FW Kiefer, P Varga, P Pail, M Rauner, D Stupphann, H Resch, ...
Metabolism 60 (2), 243-249, 2011
QCT-based finite element models predict human vertebral strength in vitro significantly better than simulated DEXA
E Dall’Ara, D Pahr, P Varga, F Kainberger, P Zysset
Osteoporosis International 23, 563-572, 2012
A nonlinear finite element model validation study based on a novel experimental technique for inducing anterior wedge-shape fractures in human vertebral bodies in vitro
E Dall'Ara, R Schmidt, D Pahr, P Varga, Y Chevalier, J Patsch, ...
Journal of biomechanics 43 (12), 2374-2380, 2010
Canalicular network morphology is the major determinant of the spatial distribution of mass density in human bone tissue: evidence by means of synchrotron radiation phase …
B Hesse, P Varga, M Langer, A Pacureanu, S Schrof, N Männicke, ...
Journal of bone and mineral research 30 (2), 346-356, 2015
Lathyrism-induced alterations in collagen cross-links influence the mechanical properties of bone material without affecting the mineral
EP Paschalis, DN Tatakis, S Robins, P Fratzl, I Manjubala, R Zoehrer, ...
Bone 49 (6), 1232-1241, 2011
Investigation of the three-dimensional orientation of mineralized collagen fibrils in human lamellar bone using synchrotron X-ray phase nano-tomography
P Varga, A Pacureanu, M Langer, H Suhonen, B Hesse, Q Grimal, ...
Acta biomaterialia 9 (9), 8118-8127, 2013
Improvements in vertebral body strength under teriparatide treatment assessed in vivo by finite element analysis: results from the EUROFORS study
C Graeff, Y Chevalier, M Charlebois, P Varga, D Pahr, TN Nickelsen, ...
Journal of bone and mineral research 24 (10), 1672-1680, 2009
Validation of an anatomy specific finite element model of Colles’ fracture
P Varga, S Baumbach, D Pahr, PK Zysset
Journal of biomechanics 42 (11), 1726-1731, 2009
Synchrotron X-ray phase nano-tomography-based analysis of the lacunar–canalicular network morphology and its relation to the strains experienced by osteocytes in situ as …
P Varga, B Hesse, M Langer, S Schrof, N Männicke, H Suhonen, ...
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology 14, 267-282, 2015
Ultrasound to assess bone quality
K Raum, Q Grimal, P Varga, R Barkmann, CC Glüer, P Laugier
Current osteoporosis reports 12, 154-162, 2014
3D Raman mapping of the collagen fibril orientation in human osteonal lamellae
S Schrof, P Varga, L Galvis, K Raum, A Masic
Journal of structural biology 187 (3), 266-275, 2014
A patient-specific finite element methodology to predict damage accumulation in vertebral bodies under axial compression, sagittal flexion and combined loads
Y Chevalier, M Charlebois, D Pahr, P Varga, P Heini, E Schneider, ...
Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering 11 (5), 477-487, 2008
Finite element analysis of fracture fixation
GS Lewis, D Mischler, H Wee, JS Reid, P Varga
Current osteoporosis reports 19 (4), 403-416, 2021
HR-pQCT based FE analysis of the most distal radius section provides an improved prediction of Colles' fracture load in vitro
P Varga, DH Pahr, S Baumbach, PK Zysset
Bone 47 (5), 982-988, 2010
Implicit modeling of screw threads for efficient finite element analysis of complex bone-implant systems
JA Inzana, P Varga, M Windolf
Journal of biomechanics 49 (9), 1836-1844, 2016
Validation of an HR-pQCT-based homogenized finite element approach using mechanical testing of ultra-distal radius sections
P Varga, E Dall’Ara, DH Pahr, M Pretterklieber, PK Zysset
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology 10, 431-444, 2011
HR-pQCT-based homogenised finite element models provide quantitative predictions of experimental vertebral body stiffness and strength with the same accuracy as μFE models
DH Pahr, E Dall'Ara, P Varga, PK Zysset
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 15 (7), 711-720, 2012
Elasticity–density and viscoelasticity–density relationships at the tibia mid-diaphysis assessed from resonant ultrasound spectroscopy measurements
S Bernard, J Schneider, P Varga, P Laugier, K Raum, Q Grimal
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology 15, 97-109, 2016
Alterations of mass density and 3D osteocyte lacunar properties in bisphosphonate-related osteonecrotic human jaw bone, a synchrotron µCT study
B Hesse, M Langer, P Varga, A Pacureanu, P Dong, S Schrof, ...
PloS one 9 (2), e88481, 2014
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