Assoc Prof Jonathan Bunker
Roundabouts: An informational guide
BW Robinson, L Rodegerdts, W Scarborough, W Kittelson, R Troutbeck, ...
United States. Federal Highway Administration, 2000
Individual predictors of autonomous vehicle public acceptance and intention to use: A systematic review of the literature
F Golbabaei, T Yigitcanlar, A Paz, J Bunker
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 6 (4), 106, 2020
The role of shared autonomous vehicle systems in delivering smart urban mobility: A systematic review of the literature
F Golbabaei, T Yigitcanlar, J Bunker
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 15 (10), 731-748, 2021
Transit users’ route‐choice modelling in transit assignment: A review
Y Liu, J Bunker, L Ferreira
Transport Reviews 30 (6), 753-769, 2010
Shortest path distance vs. least directional change: Empirical testing of space syntax and geographic theories concerning pedestrian route choice behaviour
F Shatu, T Yigitcanlar, J Bunker
Journal of Transport Geography 74, 37-52, 2019
Influence of platform walking on BRT station bus dwell time estimation: Australian analysis
S Jaiswal, J Bunker, L Ferreira
Journal of Transportation Engineering 136 (12), 1173-1179, 2010
Designing participation in agile ridesharing with mobile social software
M Brereton, P Roe, M Foth, JM Bunker, L Buys
Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference of the Australian Computer-Human …, 2009
Prediction of minor stream delays at a limited priority freeway merge
J Bunker, R Troutbeck
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 37 (8), 719-735, 2003
A four level road hierarchy for network planning and management
V Eppell, B McClurg, J Bunker
Proceedings of the 20th ARRB Conference, 1-7, 2001
A spatial-indexing model for measuring neighbourhood-level land-use and transport integration
F Dur, T Yigitcanlar, J Bunker
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 41 (5), 792-812, 2014
Modelling and analysing effects of complex seasonality and weather on an area's daily transit ridership rate
SA Kashfi, JM Bunker, T Yigitcanlar
Journal of transport geography 54, 310-324, 2016
Modelling relationships between passenger demand and bus delays at busway stations
S Jaiswal, J Bunker, L Ferreira
Proceedings of the 2009 Transport Research Board (TRB) 88th Annual Meeting, 1-13, 2009
The role of passenger-centric innovation in the future of public transport
T Camacho, M Foth, A Rakotonirainy, M Rittenbruch, J Bunker
Public Transport 8 (3), 453-475, 2016
Objective vs. subjective measures of street environments in pedestrian route choice behaviour: Discrepancy and correlates of non-concordance
F Shatu, T Yigitcanlar, J Bunker
Transportation research part A: policy and practice 126, 1-23, 2019
Modelling the BRT station capacity and queuing for all stopping busway operation
R Widanapathiranage, JM Bunker, A Bhaskar
Public Transport 7, 21-38, 2015
Intelligent transport systems evaluation: From theory to practice
R Newman-Askins, L Ferreira, JM Bunker
21st ARRB and 11th REAAA conference, 2003
High volume bus stop upstream average waiting time for working capacity and quality of service
JM Bunker
Public Transport 10 (2), 311-333, 2018
Understanding the effects of complex seasonality on suburban daily transit ridership
SA Kashfi, JM Bunker, T Yigitcanlar
Journal of Transport Geography 46, 67-80, 2015
An Australian perspective on real-life cost-benefit analysis and assessment frameworks for transport infrastructure investments
S Chi, J Bunker
Research in transportation economics 88, 100946, 2021
Suspension testing of 3 heavy vehicles-methodology and preliminary frequency analysis
L Davis, J Bunker
State of Queensland (Department of Main Roads), 2008
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