The robust estimation of multiple motions: Parametric and piecewise-smooth flow fields MJ Black, P Anandan Computer vision and image understanding 63 (1), 75-104, 1996 | 2440 | 1996 |
Hierarchical model-based motion estimation JR Bergen, P Anandan, KJ Hanna, R Hingorani Computer Vision—ECCV'92: Second European Conference on Computer Vision …, 1992 | 2154 | 1992 |
A computational framework and an algorithm for the measurement of visual motion P Anandan International Journal of Computer Vision 2 (3), 283-310, 1989 | 1890 | 1989 |
A framework for the robust estimation of optical flow MJ Black, P Anandan 1993 (4th) International Conference on Computer Vision, 231-236, 1993 | 720 | 1993 |
About direct methods M Irani, P Anandan International Workshop on Vision Algorithms, 267-277, 1999 | 553 | 1999 |
Geographic location tags on digital images K Toyama, R Logan, A Roseway Proceedings of the eleventh ACM international conference on Multimedia, 156-166, 2003 | 511 | 2003 |
A unified approach to moving object detection in 2D and 3D scenes M Irani, P Anandan IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 20 (6), 577-589, 1998 | 511 | 1998 |
Pattern-recognizing stochastic learning automata AG Barto, P Anandan IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 360-375, 1985 | 507 | 1985 |
Mosaic based representations of video sequences and their applications M Irani, P Anandan, S Hsu Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 605-611, 1995 | 506 | 1995 |
System for automatically aligning images to form a mosaic image PJ Burt, M Irani, SC Hsu, P Anandan, MW Hansen US Patent 5,649,032, 1997 | 462 | 1997 |
System and method for exchanging images K Toyama, D Vronay, P Anandan US Patent App. 11/251,041, 2006 | 409 | 2006 |
Robust dynamic motion estimation over time. MJ Black, P Anandan CVPR 91, 296-203, 1991 | 405 | 1991 |
Efficient representations of video sequences and their applications M Irani, P Anandan, J Bergen, R Kumar, S Hsu Signal Processing: Image Communication 8 (4), 327-351, 1996 | 359 | 1996 |
Image exchange with image annotation K Toyama, D Vronay, P Anandan US Patent 7,508,419, 2009 | 355 | 2009 |
Robust multi-sensor image alignment M Irani, P Anandan Sixth International Conference on Computer Vision (IEEE Cat. No. 98CH36271 …, 1998 | 355 | 1998 |
Method and system for image combination using a parallax-based technique R Kumar, KJ Hanna, JR Bergen, P Anandan, M Irani US Patent 5,963,664, 1999 | 346 | 1999 |
Layer extraction from multiple images containing reflections and transparency R Szeliski, S Avidan, P Anandan Proceedings IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. CVPR …, 2000 | 343 | 2000 |
System and method for exchanging images K Toyama, D Vronay, P Anandan US Patent App. 09/682,755, 2004 | 334 | 2004 |
A layered approach to stereo reconstruction S Baker, R Szeliski, P Anandan Proceedings. 1998 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and …, 1998 | 298 | 1998 |
An integrated Bayesian approach to layer extraction from image sequences PHS Torr, R Szeliski, P Anandan IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 23 (3), 297-303, 2001 | 278 | 2001 |