Esteban González Banda
Esteban González Banda
Academic (Assistant), Faculty of Science, Physics Department, Universidad Católica del Norte
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Analysing dissipative effects in the ΛCDM model
N Cruz, E González, S Lepe, DSC Gómez
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2018 (12), 017, 2018
Diffusion in unimodular gravity: Analytical solutions, late-time acceleration, and cosmological constraints
C Corral, N Cruz, E González
Physical Review D 102 (2), 023508, 2020
Exact analytical solution for an Israel–Stewart cosmology
N Cruz, E González, G Palma
General Relativity and Gravitation 52 (6), 62, 2020
Observational constraints on Yukawa cosmology and connection with black hole shadows
E González, K Jusufi, G Leon, EN Saridakis
Physics of the Dark Universe 42, 101304, 2023
Exact solutions and cosmological constraints in fractional cosmology
E González, G Leon, G Fernandez-Anaya
Fractal and Fractional 7 (5), 368, 2023
Averaging generalized scalar field cosmologies I: locally rotationally symmetric Bianchi III and open Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker models
G Leon, E González, S Lepe, C Michea, AD Millano
The European Physical Journal C 81 (5), 414, 2021
Linking little rip cosmologies with regular early universes
F Contreras, N Cruz, E Elizalde, E González, SD Odintsov
Physical Review D 98 (12), 123520, 2018
Testing dissipative dark matter in causal thermodynamics
N Cruz, E González, G Palma
Modern Physics Letters A 36 (06), 2150032, 2021
Singularities and soft-Big Bang in a viscous model
N Cruz, E González, J Jovel
Physical Review D 105 (2), 024047, 2022
A new parametrization for bulk viscosity cosmology as extension of the CDM model
G Gómez, G Palma, E González, Á Rincón, N Cruz
The European Physical Journal Plus 138 (8), 738, 2023
Cosmology under the fractional calculus approach: a possible tension resolution?
G Leon Torres, MA García-Aspeitia, G Fernandez-Anaya, ...
PoS, 248, 2023
Study of a Viscous ΛWDM Model: Near-Equilibrium Condition, Entropy Production, and Cosmological Constraints
N Cruz, E González, J Jovel
Symmetry 14 (9), 1866, 2022
Averaging generalized scalar-field cosmologies III: Kantowski–Sachs and closed Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker models
G Leon, E González, S Lepe, C Michea, AD Millano
The European Physical Journal C 81, 1-54, 2021
Generalized equations of state and regular universes
F Contreras, N Cruz, E González
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 720 (1), 012014, 2016
Time-averaging axion-like interacting scalar fields models
S Chakraborty, E González, G Leon, B Wang
The European Physical Journal C 81 (11), 1039, 2021
Addressing the Hubble tension in Yukawa cosmology?
K Jusufi, E González, G Leon
Physics of the Dark Universe 46, 101584, 2024
A non-singular early-time viscous cosmological model
N Cruz, E González, J Jovel
Modern Physics Letters A 38 (18n19), 2350088, 2023
Scalar field evolution at background and perturbation levels for a broad class of potentials
G Leon, S Chakraborty, S Ghosh, R Solanki, PK Sahoo, E González
Fortschritte der Physik 71 (10-11), 2300006, 2023
Exploring models of running vacuum energy with viscous dark matter from a dynamical system perspective
N Cruz, G Gómez, E González, G Palma, Á Rincón
Physics of the Dark Universe, 101351, 2023
A perturbative analysis of interacting scalar field cosmologies
G Leon, E González, AD Millano, FOF Silva
Classical and Quantum Gravity 39 (11), 115003, 2022
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