Sarah Ashley Low
Sarah Ashley Low
Massachusetts General Hospital
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Loss of μ opioid receptor signaling in nociceptors, but not microglia, abrogates morphine tolerance without disrupting analgesia
G Corder, VL Tawfik, D Wang, EI Sypek, SA Low, JR Dickinson, ...
Nature medicine 23 (2), 164-173, 2017
A brainstem-spinal cord inhibitory circuit for mechanical pain modulation by GABA and enkephalins
A François, SA Low, EI Sypek, AJ Christensen, C Sotoudeh, KT Beier, ...
Neuron 93 (4), 822-839. e6, 2017
Functional divergence of delta and mu opioid receptor organization in CNS pain circuits
D Wang, VL Tawfik, G Corder, SA Low, A Francois, AI Basbaum, ...
Neuron 98 (1), 90-108. e5, 2018
VGLUT2 expression in primary afferent neurons is essential for normal acute pain and injury-induced heat hypersensitivity
G Scherrer, SA Low, X Wang, J Zhang, H Yamanaka, R Urban, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (51), 22296-22301, 2010
Multisystem effects of COVID-19: a concise review for practitioners
G White-Dzuro, LE Gibson, L Zazzeron, C White-Dzuro, Z Sullivan, ...
Postgraduate Medicine 133 (1), 20-27, 2021
Knock-in mice with NOP-eGFP receptors identify receptor cellular and regional localization
A Ozawa, G Brunori, D Mercatelli, J Wu, A Cippitelli, B Zou, XS Xie, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (33), 11682-11693, 2015
GINIP, a Gαi-interacting protein, functions as a key modulator of peripheral GABAB receptor-mediated analgesia
S Gaillard, LL Re, A Mantilleri, R Hepp, L Urien, P Malapert, S Alonso, ...
Neuron 84 (1), 123-136, 2014
The Netrin-1 receptor DCC is a regulator of maladaptive responses to chronic morphine administration
DY Liang, M Zheng, Y Sun, P Sahbaie, SA Low, G Peltz, G Scherrer, ...
BMC genomics 15, 1-12, 2014
Placement of a double-lumen endotracheal tube.
D Hao, D Saddawi-Konefka, S Low, P Alfille, K Baker
The New England journal of medicine 385 (16), e52-e52, 2021
The endocannabinoid N-arachidonoyl dopamine is critical for hyperalgesia induced by chronic sleep disruption
W Ding, L Yang, E Shi, B Kim, S Low, K Hu, L Gao, P Chen, W Ding, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 6696, 2023
Ultrasound teleguidance to reduce healthcare worker exposure to coronavirus disease 2019
LE Gibson, SA Low, EA Bittner, MG Chang
Critical Care Explorations 2 (6), e0146, 2020
Complex management of a patient with refractory primary erythromelalgia lacking a SCN9A mutation
SA Low, W Robbins, VL Tawfik
Journal of Pain Research, 973-977, 2017
Remodeling interprofessional collaboration through a nurse-for-a-day shadowing program for medical residents
S Low, E Gray, A Ewing, P Hain, L Kim
Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 2345-2349, 2021
Prone positioning of intubated patients with an elevated body-mass index
D Hao, S Low, R Di Fenza, ES Shenoy, L Ananian, LA Prout, CJ La Vita, ...
The New England journal of medicine 386 (14), e34, 2022
Anaesthesia for fetal interventions
CA Liu, S Low, KM Tran
BJA education 23 (5), 162-171, 2023
Zukunftsaspekte der klinischen Arthrosetherapie im Kontinuum der translationalen Forschung
S Schrenker, L Gao, M Cucchiarini, H Madry
Zeitschrift für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie 157 (06), 629-643, 2019
Author Correction: The endocannabinoid N-arachidonoyl dopamine is critical for hyperalgesia induced by chronic sleep disruption
W Ding, L Yang, E Shi, B Kim, S Low, K Hu, L Gao, P Chen, W Ding, ...
nature communications 14, 7342, 2023
Stepping up: a pilot study of inpatient ambulation tracking with or without feedback in multiple myeloma patients undergoing autologous stem cell transplantation
S Low, C Maldonado-Howell, R Vescio, J Darrah, N Merin, J Flores, ...
2023 Tandem Meetings| Transplantation & Cellular Therapy Meetings of ASTCT …, 2023
Stepping up: A pilot study explores the mobility trajectory for myeloma patients undergoing autologous stem cell transplantation
S Low, C Maldonado-Howell, R Vescio, J Darrah, N Merin, J Flores, ...
Transplantation and Cellular Therapy 29 (2), S31, 2023
Specialty Imaging: Acute and Chronic Pain Intervention E-Book: Specialty Imaging: Acute and Chronic Pain Intervention E-Book
CJ McCarthy, TG Walker, R Vázquez
Elsevier Health Sciences, 2020
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