Lavacchi  alessandro
Lavacchi alessandro
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Nanotechnology makes biomass electrolysis more energy efficient than water electrolysis
YX Chen, A Lavacchi, HA Miller, M Bevilacqua, J Filippi, M Innocenti, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 4036, 2014
A Pd/C‐CeO2 Anode Catalyst for High‐Performance Platinum‐Free Anion Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells
HA Miller, A Lavacchi, F Vizza, M Marelli, F Di Benedetto, F D'Acapito, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 55 (20), 6004-6007, 2016
What is next in anion‐exchange membrane water electrolyzers? Bottlenecks, benefits, and future
C Santoro, A Lavacchi, P Mustarelli, V Di Noto, L Elbaz, DR Dekel, ...
ChemSusChem 15 (8), e202200027, 2022
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and low energy ion scattering studies on 1-buthyl-3-methyl-imidazolium bis (trifluoromethane) sulfonimide
S Caporali, U Bardi, A Lavacchi
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 151 (1), 4-8, 2006
Electrooxidation of ethylene glycol and glycerol on Pd‐(Ni‐Zn)/C anodes in direct alcohol fuel cells
A Marchionni, M Bevilacqua, C Bianchini, YX Chen, J Filippi, P Fornasiero, ...
ChemSusChem 6 (3), 518-528, 2013
Aluminium electroplated from ionic liquids as protective coating against steel corrosion
S Caporali, A Fossati, A Lavacchi, I Perissi, A Tolstogouzov, U Bardi
Corrosion Science 50 (2), 534-539, 2008
High temperature corrosion properties of ionic liquids
I Perissi, U Bardi, S Caporali, A Lavacchi
Corrosion science 48 (9), 2349-2362, 2006
Self‐sustainable production of hydrogen, chemicals, and energy from renewable alcohols by electrocatalysis
V Bambagioni, M Bevilacqua, C Bianchini, J Filippi, A Lavacchi, ...
ChemSusChem 3 (7), 851-855, 2010
XRD and XPS study on reactive plasma sprayed titanium–titanium nitride coatings
E Galvanetto, FP Galliano, F Borgioli, U Bardi, A Lavacchi
Thin Solid Films 384 (2), 223-229, 2001
Turning electricity into food: the role of renewable energy in the future of agriculture
U Bardi, T El Asmar, A Lavacchi
Journal of cleaner production 53, 224-231, 2013
Single-site and nanosized Fe–Co electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction: Synthesis, characterization and catalytic performance
V Bambagioni, C Bianchini, J Filippi, A Lavacchi, W Oberhauser, ...
Journal of Power Sources 196 (5), 2519-2529, 2011
Energy Efficiency Enhancement of Ethanol Electrooxidation on Pd–CeO2/C in Passive and Active Polymer Electrolyte‐Membrane Fuel Cells
V Bambagioni, C Bianchini, Y Chen, J Filippi, P Fornasiero, M Innocenti, ...
ChemSusChem 5 (7), 1266-1273, 2012
Silver electrodeposition from air and water-stable ionic liquid: An environmentally friendly alternative to cyanide baths
R Bomparola, S Caporali, A Lavacchi, U Bardi
Surface and Coatings Technology 201 (24), 9485-9490, 2007
A comparative study of high velocity oxygen fuel, vacuum plasma spray, and axial plasma spray for the deposition of CoNiCrAlY bond coat alloy
A Scrivani, U Bardi, L Carrafiello, A Lavacchi, F Niccolai, G Rizzi
Journal of thermal spray technology 12, 504-507, 2003
A simple interpretation of Hubbert’s model of resource exploitation
U Bardi, A Lavacchi
Energies 2 (3), 646-661, 2009
Isothermal oxidation resistance comparison between air plasma sprayed, vacuum plasma sprayed and high velocity oxygen fuel sprayed CoNiCrAlY bond coats
M Di Ferdinando, A Fossati, A Lavacchi, U Bardi, F Borgioli, C Borri, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 204 (15), 2499-2503, 2010
Cyclic voltammetry simulation at microelectrode arrays with COMSOL Multiphysics®
A Lavacchi, U Bardi, C Borri, S Caporali, A Fossati, I Perissi
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 39, 2159-2163, 2009
Measuring the thickness of metal coatings: A review of the methods
W Giurlani, E Berretti, M Innocenti, A Lavacchi
Coatings 10 (12), 1211, 2020
Energy efficiency of alkaline direct ethanol fuel cells employing nanostructured palladium electrocatalysts
L Wang, A Lavacchi, M Bevilacqua, M Bellini, P Fornasiero, J Filippi, ...
ChemCatChem 7 (14), 2214-2221, 2015
Improvement in the efficiency of an OrganoMetallic Fuel Cell by tuning the molecular architecture of the anode electrocatalyst and the nature of the carbon support
M Bevilacqua, C Bianchini, A Marchionni, J Filippi, A Lavacchi, H Miller, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 5 (9), 8608-8620, 2012
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