Sandeep Mudigonda
Derivation and validation of new simulation-based surrogate safety measure
K Ozbay, H Yang, B Bartin, S Mudigonda
Transportation research record 2083 (1), 105-113, 2008
Impact of electronic toll collection on air pollution levels: Estimation using microscopic simulation model of large-scale transportation network
B Bartin, S Mudigonda, K Ozbay
Transportation research record 2011 (1), 68-77, 2007
Evaluating the resilience and recovery of public transit system using big data: Case study from New Jersey
S Mudigonda, K Ozbay, B Bartin
Journal of Transportation Safety & Security 11 (5), 491-519, 2019
Spatio-temporal modeling of yellow taxi demands in New York City using generalized STAR models
A Safikhani, C Kamga, S Mudigonda, SS Faghih, B Moghimi
International Journal of Forecasting 36 (3), 1138-1148, 2020
Microscopic Simulation and Calibration of an Integrated Freeway and Toll Plaza Model
K Ozbay, S Mudigonda, BO Bartin
85th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2006
Robust calibration of macroscopic traffic simulation models using stochastic collocation
S Mudigonda, K Ozbay
Transportation Research Procedia 9, 1-20, 2015
Quantifying Transportation Benefits of Transit-oriented Development in New Jersey
S Mudigonda, K Ozbay, O Ozturk, S Iyer, RB Noland.
93rd Annual Meeting Transportation Research Board, 2014
An estimation of the effects of social distancing measures on transit vehicle capacity and operations
C Kamga, R Tchamna, P Vicuna, S Mudigonda, B Moghimi
Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives 10, 100398, 2021
Big Data and Calibration and Validation of Traffic Simulation Models
K Ozbay, S Mudigonda, E Morgul, H Yang, B Bartin
93rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2014
Analysis of incident-induced capacity reductions for improved delay estimation
A Almotahari, MA Yazici, S Mudigonda, C Kamga
Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems 145 (2), 04018083, 2019
Incident detection through twitter: Organization versus personal accounts
MA Yazici, S Mudigonda, C Kamga
Transportation Research Record 2643 (1), 121-128, 2017
Microscopic modeling of lane selection and lane changing at toll plazas
S Mudigonda, B Bartin, K Ozbay
88th TRB annual conference, 2009
Cost of transporting people in New Jersey–Phase 2
K Ozbay, O Yanmaz-Tuzel, B Bartin, S Mudigonda, J Berechman
United States. Federal Highway Administration, 2007
Development and calibration of an integrated freeway and toll plaza model for New Jersey Turnpike using Paramics microscopic simulation tool
K Ozbay, S Mudigonda, B Bartin
Proceedings. 2005 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2005., 1165-1170, 2005
Simple approach to estimating changes in toll plaza delays
D Ozmen-Ertekin, K Ozbay, S Mudigonda, AM Cochran
Transportation research record 2047 (1), 66-74, 2008
Evaluation Study of New Jersey Turnpike Authority’s Time of Day Pricing Initiative
K Ozbay, J Holguín-Veras, O Yanmaz-Tuzel, S Mudigonda, A Lichtenstein, ...
No. FHWA-NJ-2005-012. New Jersey Dept. of Transportation, Division of Res …, 2005
Enabling Vehicular Networking in the MobilityFirst Future Internet Architecture⋆
A Baid, S Mukherjee, T Vu, S Mudigonda, K Nagaraja, J Fukuyama, ...
A generic and flexible geospatial data warehousing and analysis framework for transportation performance measurement in smart connected cities
P Vicuna, S Mudigonda, C Kamga, K Mouskos, C Ukegbu
Procedia Computer Science 155, 226-233, 2019
Assist-Me: Postprocessing tool for transportation planning model output
K Ozbay, B Bartin, S Mudigonda, S Iyer
Transportation research record 2399 (1), 63-73, 2013
Evaluating highway capacity investments using a geographic information systems-based tool: Trip-based full marginal cost approach
K Ozbay, O Yanmaz-Tuzel, S Mudigonda, B Bartin
Transportation research record 2024 (1), 44-53, 2007
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