Markets for technology: The economics of innovation and corporate strategy A Arora, A Fosfuri, A Gambardella MIT press, 2004 | 2594 | 2004 |
Complementarity and external linkages: the strategies of the large firms in biotechnology A Arora, A Gambardella The journal of industrial economics, 361-379, 1990 | 2061 | 1990 |
‘Old economy’inputs for ‘new economy’outcomes: Cluster formation in the new Silicon Valleys T Bresnahan, A Gambardella, AL Saxenian Industrial and corporate change 10 (4), 835-860, 2001 | 1293 | 2001 |
Business-model innovation: General purpose technologies and their implications for industry structure A Gambardella, AM McGahan Long range planning 43 (2-3), 262-271, 2010 | 1151 | 2010 |
The changing technology of technological change: general and abstract knowledge and the division of innovative labour A Arora, A Gambardella Research policy 23 (5), 523-532, 1994 | 1122 | 1994 |
Markets for technology and their implications for corporate strategy A Arora, A Fosfuri, A Gambardella Industrial and corporate change 10 (2), 419-451, 2001 | 971 | 2001 |
Evaluating technological information and utilizing it: Scientific knowledge, technological capability, and external linkages in biotechnology A Arora, A Gambardella Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 24 (1), 91-114, 1994 | 875 | 1994 |
Science and innovation: The US pharmaceutical industry during the 1980s A Gambardella Cambridge University Press, 1995 | 776 | 1995 |
The value of European patents A Gambardella, D Harhoff, B Verspagen European Management Review 5 (2), 69-84, 2008 | 741 | 2008 |
Does technological convergence imply convergence in markets? Evidence from the electronics industry A Gambardella, S Torrisi Research policy 27 (5), 445-463, 1998 | 726 | 1998 |
Technology push and demand pull perspectives in innovation studies: Current findings and future research directions G Di Stefano, A Gambardella, G Verona Research policy 41 (8), 1283-1295, 2012 | 717 | 2012 |
The market for patents in Europe A Gambardella, P Giuri, A Luzzi Research policy 36 (8), 1163-1183, 2007 | 657 | 2007 |
Inventors and invention processes in Europe: Results from the PatVal-EU survey P Giuri, M Mariani, S Brusoni, G Crespi, D Francoz, A Gambardella, ... Research policy 36 (8), 1107-1127, 2007 | 632 | 2007 |
Competitive advantages from in-house scientific research: The US pharmaceutical industry in the 1980s A Gambardella Research policy 21 (5), 391-407, 1992 | 629 | 1992 |
Ideas for rent: an overview of markets for technology A Arora, A Gambardella Industrial and corporate change 19 (3), 775-803, 2010 | 579 | 2010 |
A scientific approach to entrepreneurial decision making: Evidence from a randomized control trial A Camuffo, A Cordova, A Gambardella, C Spina Management Science 66 (2), 564-586, 2020 | 522 | 2020 |
The globalization of the software industry: perspectives and opportunities for developed and developing countries A Arora, A Gambardella Innovation policy and the economy 5, 1-32, 2005 | 475 | 2005 |
Building high-tech clusters: Silicon Valley and beyond T Bresnahan, A Gambardella Cambridge University Press, 2004 | 439 | 2004 |
Quantitative empirical analysis in strategic management R Bettis, A Gambardella, C Helfat, W Mitchell Strategic management journal, 949-953, 2014 | 328 | 2014 |
Lean startup and the business model: Experimentation revisited T Felin, A Gambardella, S Stern, T Zenger Long Range Planning 53 (4), 101889, 2020 | 327 | 2020 |