Qingwen Xu
Qingwen Xu
Patvirtintas el. paštas
The impact of detention and deportation on Latino immigrant children and families: A quantitative exploration
K Brabeck, Q Xu
Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 32 (3), 341-361, 2010
Sense of community, neighboring, and social capital as predictors of local political participation in China
Q Xu, DD Perkins, JCC Chow
American journal of community psychology 45, 259-271, 2010
Social capital and health outcomes among older adults in China: The urban–rural dimension
JA Norstrand, Q Xu
The Gerontologist 52 (3), 325-334, 2012
Welfare program participation among rural‐to‐urban migrant workers in China
Q Xu, X Guan, F Yao
International Journal of Social Welfare 20 (1), 10-21, 2011
Exploring the community-based service delivery model: Elderly care in China
Q Xu, JC Chow
International Social Work 54 (3), 374-387, 2011
Transition fibre protein FBF1 is required for the ciliary entry of assembled intraflagellar transport complexes
Q Wei, Q Xu, Y Zhang, Y Li, Q Zhang, Z Hu, PC Harris, VE Torres, K Ling, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 2750, 2013
Social capital and community participation among migrant workers in China
NA Palmer, DD Perkins, Q Xu
Journal of community psychology 39 (1), 89-105, 2011
Service utilization for Latino children in mixed-status families
Q Xu, K Brabeck
Social Work Research 36 (3), 209-221, 2012
BBS4 and BBS5 show functional redundancy in the BBSome to regulate the degradative sorting of ciliary sensory receptors
Q Xu, Y Zhang, Q Wei, Y Huang, Y Li, K Ling, J Hu
Scientific reports 5 (1), 11855, 2015
Phosphatidylinositol phosphate kinase PIPKIγ and phosphatase INPP5E coordinate initiation of ciliogenesis
Q Xu, Y Zhang, Q Wei, Y Huang, J Hu, K Ling
Nature communications 7 (1), 10777, 2016
Socioeconomic status and bone mineral density in adults by race/ethnicity and gender: the Louisiana osteoporosis study
Y Du, LJ Zhao, Q Xu, KH Wu, HW Deng
Osteoporosis International 28, 1699-1709, 2017
Community participation in urban China: Identifying mobilization factors
Q Xu
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 36 (4), 622-642, 2007
Health disparities and delayed health care among older adults in California: A perspective from race, ethnicity, and immigration
Y Du, Q Xu
Public Health Nursing 33 (5), 383-394, 2016
An association between type Iγ PI4P 5-kinase and Exo70 directs E-cadherin clustering and epithelial polarization
X Xiong, Q Xu, Y Huang, RD Singh, R Anderson, E Leof, J Hu, K Ling
Molecular biology of the cell 23 (1), 87-98, 2012
Urban community in China: service, participation and development
Q Xu, JC Chow
International Journal of Social Welfare 15 (3), 199-208, 2006
Community centers in urban China: Context, development, and limitations
Q Xu, J Gao, MC Yan
Journal of Community Practice 13 (3), 73-90, 2005
Migrant workers’ community in China: Relationships among social networks, life satisfaction and political participation
Q Xu, NA Palmer
Psychosocial Intervention 20 (3), 281-294, 2011
Globalization, immigration and the welfare state: A cross-national comparison
Q Xu
J. Soc. & Soc. Welfare 34, 87, 2007
Healthy aging of minority and immigrant populations: Resilience in late life.
K Kwong, Y Du, Q Xu
Traumatology 21 (3), 136, 2015
Defining international social work: A social service agency perspective
Q Xu
International Social Work 49 (6), 679-692, 2006
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