Leslie Reeder-Myers
Leslie Reeder-Myers
Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Temple University
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Paleoindian seafaring, maritime technologies, and coastal foraging on California’s Channel Islands
LW Jon M Erlandson, Torben C Rick, Todd J Braje, Molly Casperson, Brendan ...
Science 331 (6021), 1181-1185, 2011
Cultural heritage at risk in the twenty-first century: A vulnerability assessment of coastal archaeological sites in the United States
LA Reeder-Myers
The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 10 (3), 436-445, 2015
Millennial-scale sustainability of the Chesapeake Bay Native American oyster fishery
TC Rick, LA Reeder-Myers, CA Hofman, D Breitburg, R Lockwood, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (23), 6568-6573, 2016
Indigenous oyster fisheries persisted for millennia and should inform future management
L Reeder-Myers, TJ Braje, CA Hofman, EA Elliott Smith, CJ Garland, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 2383, 2022
Sea level, paleogeography, and archeology on California's Northern Channel Islands
L Reeder-Myers, JM Erlandson, DR Muhs, TC Rick
Quaternary Research 83 (2), 263-272, 2015
Our disappearing past: a GIS analysis of the vulnerability of coastal archaeological resources in California’s Santa Barbara Channel region
L Reeder, J Rick, Torben, Erlandson
Journal of Coastal Conservation 16, 187-197, 2012
Fladmark+ 40: What have we learned about a potential Pacific Coast peopling of the Americas?
TJ Braje, JM Erlandson, TC Rick, L Davis, T Dillehay, DW Fedje, D Froese, ...
American Antiquity 85 (1), 1-21, 2020
Ecological change on California's Channel Islands from the Pleistocene to the Anthropocene
TC Rick, TS Sillett, CK Ghalambor, CA Hofman, K Ralls, RS Anderson, ...
BioScience 64 (8), 680-692, 2014
Archaeological survey, paleogeography, and the search for Late Pleistocene Paleocoastal peoples of Santa Rosa Island, California
TC Rick, JM Erlandson, NP Jew, LA Reeder-Myers
Journal of Field Archaeology 38 (4), 324-331, 2013
Oxygen isotope analysis of California mussel shells: seasonality and human sedentism at an 8,200-year-old shell midden on Santa Rosa Island, California
NP Jew, JM Erlandson, TC Rick, L Reeder-Myers
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 6, 293-303, 2014
Shell middens, cultural chronologies, and coastal settlement on the Rhode River sub‐estuary of Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, USA
TC Rick, LA Reeder‐Myers, CJ Cox, ST Sperling, A Jansen, AH Hines
Geoarchaeology 29 (5), 371-388, 2014
Working from the known to the unknown: Linking the subaerial archaeology and the submerged landscapes of Santarosae Island, Alta California, USA
TJ Braje, JM Maloney, AE Gusick, JM Erlandson, A Nyers, L Davis, ...
Open Quaternary 5 (1), 2019
Preparing for the future impacts of megastorms on archaeological sites: An evaluation of flooding from Hurricane Harvey, Houston, Texas
LA Reeder-Myers, MD McCoy
American Antiquity 84 (2), 292-301, 2019
Forty years later: What have we learned about the earliest human occupation of Santa Rosa Island?
L Reeder, T Rick, J Erlandson
North American Archaeologist 29 (1), 37-64, 2008
Collagen fingerprinting and the earliest marine mammal hunting in North America
CA Hofman, TC Rick, JM Erlandson, L Reeder-Myers, AJ Welch, ...
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 10014, 2018
Younger Dryas environments and human adaptations on the West Coast of the United States and Baja California
L Reeder, J Erlandson, T Rick
Quaternary International 242, 463-478, 2011
Archaeology, taphonomy, and historical ecology of Chesapeake Bay blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus)
TC Rick, MB Ogburn, MA Kramer, ST McCanty, LA Reeder-Myers, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 55, 42-54, 2015
Archaeological survey and the search for Paleocoastal peoples of Santa Rosa Island, California, USA
TC Rick, JM Erlandson, NP Jew, LA Reeder-Myers
Journal of Field Archaeology 38 (4), 324-331, 2013
Human ecology, paleogeography, and biodiversity on California’s small Islands
T Rick, L Reeder-Myers, TJ Braje, T Wake
The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 17 (3), 356-374, 2022
Shellfish, geophytes, and sedentism on Early Holocene Santa Rosa Island, Alta California, USA
JM Erlandson, TC Rick, AF Ainis, KM Gill, NP Jew, LA Reeder-Myers
The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 15 (4), 504-524, 2020
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