Abrar Chughtai
Abrar Chughtai
Patvirtintas el. paštas
COVID-19–related infodemic and its impact on public health: A global social media analysis
MS Islam, T Sarkar, SH Khan, AHM Kamal, SMM Hasan, A Kabir, ...
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 103 (4), 1621, 2020
Airborne or droplet precautions for health workers treating coronavirus disease 2019?
P Bahl, C Doolan, C De Silva, AA Chughtai, L Bourouiba, CR MacIntyre
The Journal of infectious diseases 225 (9), 1561-1568, 2022
A cluster randomised trial of cloth masks compared with medical masks in healthcare workers
CR MacIntyre, H Seale, TC Dung, NT Hien, PT Nga, AA Chughtai, ...
BMJ open 5 (4), e006577, 2015
COVID-19 vaccine rumors and conspiracy theories: The need for cognitive inoculation against misinformation to improve vaccine adherence
MS Islam, AHM Kamal, A Kabir, DL Southern, SH Khan, SMM Hasan, ...
PloS one 16 (5), e0251605, 2021
A rapid systematic review of the efficacy of face masks and respirators against coronaviruses and other respiratory transmissible viruses for the community, healthcare workers …
CR MacIntyre, AA Chughtai
International journal of nursing studies 108, 103629, 2020
Facemasks for the prevention of infection in healthcare and community settings
CR MacIntyre, AA Chughtai
Bmj 350, 2015
The role of pneumonia and secondary bacterial infection in fatal and serious outcomes of pandemic influenza a (H1N1) pdm09
CR MacIntyre, AA Chughtai, M Barnes, I Ridda, H Seale, R Toms, ...
BMC infectious diseases 18, 1-20, 2018
Reemergence of human monkeypox and declining population immunity in the context of urbanization, Nigeria, 2017–2020
PY Nguyen, WS Ajisegiri, V Costantino, AA Chughtai, CR MacIntyre
Emerging Infectious Diseases 27 (4), 1007, 2021
Trust in government, intention to vaccinate and COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy: A comparative survey of five large cities in the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia
M Trent, H Seale, AA Chughtai, D Salmon, CR MacIntyre
Vaccine 40 (17), 2498-2505, 2022
Contamination by respiratory viruses on outer surface of medical masks used by hospital healthcare workers
AA Chughtai, S Stelzer-Braid, W Rawlinson, G Pontivivo, Q Wang, Y Pan, ...
BMC infectious diseases 19, 1-8, 2019
Current knowledge of COVID-19 and infection prevention and control strategies in healthcare settings: A global analysis
MS Islam, KM Rahman, Y Sun, MO Qureshi, I Abdi, AA Chughtai, H Seale
Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology 41 (10), 1196-1206, 2020
Graphene modified multifunctional personal protective clothing
S Bhattacharjee, R Joshi, AA Chughtai, CR Macintyre
Advanced materials interfaces 6 (21), 1900622, 2019
Effectiveness of cloth masks for protection against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
AA Chughtai, H Seale, CR Macintyre
Emerging infectious diseases 26 (10), e200948, 2020
Mask use, risk-mitigation behaviours and pandemic fatigue during the COVID-19 pandemic in five cities in Australia, the UK and USA: A cross-sectional survey
CR MacIntyre, PY Nguyen, AA Chughtai, M Trent, B Gerber, K Steinhofel, ...
International Journal of Infectious Diseases 106, 199-207, 2021
The efficacy of medical masks and respirators against respiratory infection in healthcare workers
CR MacIntyre, AA Chughtai, B Rahman, Y Peng, Y Zhang, H Seale, ...
Influenza and other respiratory viruses 11 (6), 511-517, 2017
Policies on the use of respiratory protection for hospital health workers to protect from coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
AA Chughtai, H Seale, MS Islam, M Owais, CR Macintyre
International journal of nursing studies 105, 103567, 2020
Risk of self-contamination during doffing of personal protective equipment
AA Chughtai, X Chen, CR Macintyre
American journal of infection control 46 (12), 1329-1334, 2018
The association between acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) and Enterovirus D68 (EV-D68)–what is the evidence for causation?
A Dyda, S Stelzer-Braid, D Adam, AA Chughtai, CR MacIntyre
Eurosurveillance 23 (3), 17-00310, 2018
Cluster randomised controlled trial to examine medical mask use as source control for people with respiratory illness
CR MacIntyre, Y Zhang, AA Chughtai, H Seale, D Zhang, Y Chu, H Zhang, ...
BMJ open 6 (12), e012330, 2016
Estimating the burden of COVID-19 on the Australian healthcare workers and health system during the first six months of the pandemic
AL Quigley, H Stone, PY Nguyen, AA Chughtai, CR MacIntyre
International journal of nursing studies 114, 103811, 2021
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