Tomas Moe Skjølsvold
Tomas Moe Skjølsvold
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Creating energy citizenship through material participation
M Ryghaug, TM Skjølsvold, S Heidenreich
Social studies of science 48 (2), 283-303, 2018
Are rapid and inclusive energy and climate transitions oxymorons? Towards principles of responsible acceleration
TM Skjølsvold, L Coenen
Energy Research & Social Science 79, 102164, 2021
Expanding the scope and implications of energy research: A guide to key themes and concepts from the Social Sciences and Humanities
L Ingeborgrud, S Heidenreich, M Ryghaug, TM Skjølsvold, C Foulds, ...
Energy Research & Social Science 63, 101398, 2020
Vitenskap, teknologi og samfunn. En introduksjon til STS
TM Skjølsvold
Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 2015
Ambivalence, designing users and user imaginaries in the European smart grid: Insights from an interdisciplinary demonstration project
TM Skjølsvold, C Lindkvist
Energy research & social science 9, 43-50, 2015
A traveler’s guide to smart grids and the social sciences
TM Skjølsvold, M Ryghaug, T Berker
Energy Research & Social Science 9, 1-8, 2015
The role of competences, engagement, and devices in configuring the impact of prices in energy demand response: Findings from three smart energy pilots with households
TH Christensen, F Friis, S Bettin, W Throndsen, M Ornetzeder, ...
Energy Policy 137, 111142, 2020
Back to the futures: Retrospecting the prospects of smart grid technology
TM Skjølsvold
Futures 63, 26-36, 2014
The global warming of climate science: Climategate and the construction of scientific facts
M Ryghaug, TM Skjølsvold
International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 24 (3), 287-307, 2010
European island imaginaries: Examining the actors, innovations, and renewable energy transitions of 8 islands
TM Skjølsvold, M Ryghaug, W Throndsen
Energy Research & Social Science 65, 101491, 2020
Orchestrating households as collectives of participation in the distributed energy transition: New empirical and conceptual insights
TM Skjølsvold, W Throndsen, M Ryghaug, IF Fjellså, GH Koksvik
Energy research & social science 46, 252-261, 2018
Users, design and the role of feedback technologies in the Norwegian energy transition: An empirical study and some radical challenges
TM Skjølsvold, S Jørgensen, M Ryghaug
Energy Research & Social Science 25, 1-8, 2017
Justice aspects of flexible household electricity consumption in future smart energy systems
IF Fjellså, A Silvast, TM Skjølsvold
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 38, 98-109, 2021
Embedding smart energy technology in built environments: A comparative study of four smart grid demonstration projects
TM Skjølsvold, M Ryghaug
Indoor and Built Environment 24 (7), 878-890, 2015
Temporal echoes and cross-geography policy effects: Multiple levels of transition governance and the electric vehicle breakthrough
TM Skjølsvold, M Ryghaug
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 35, 232-240, 2020
Pilot Society and the Energy Transition: The co-shaping of innovation, participation and politics
M Ryghaug, TM Skjølsvold
Springer Nature, 2021
Curb your enthusiasm: On media communication of bioenergy and the role of the news media in technology diffusion
TM Skjølsvold
Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture 6 (4), 512-531, 2012
Actors in energy transitions: Transformative potentials at the intersection between Norwegian port and transport systems
KY Bjerkan, M Ryghaug, TM Skjølsvold
Energy Research & Social Science 72, 101868, 2021
Fostering justice through engagement: a literature review of public engagement in energy transitions
I Suboticki, S Heidenreich, M Ryghaug, TM Skjølsvold
Energy Research & Social Science 99, 103053, 2023
Electric vehicle charging and end-user motivation for flexibility: a case study from Norway
IM Henriksen, W Throndsen, M Ryghaug, TM Skjølsvold
Energy, Sustainability and Society 11, 1-10, 2021
Sistema negali atlikti operacijos. Bandykite vėliau dar kartą.
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