Rajorshi Paul
Rajorshi Paul
PhD Student in Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Fomite transmission, physicochemical origin of virus–surface interactions, and disinfection strategies for enveloped viruses with applications to SARS-CoV-2
N Castaño, SC Cordts, M Kurosu Jalil, KS Zhang, S Koppaka, AD Bick, ...
ACS omega 6 (10), 6509-6527, 2021
Microfluidic surgery in single cells and multicellular systems
KS Zhang, AV Nadkarni, R Paul, AM Martin, SKY Tang
Chemical Reviews 122 (7), 7097-7141, 2022
Electrokinetics of non-Newtonian fluids in poly-electrolyte grafted nanochannels: Effects of ion-partitioning and confinement
R Paul, D Maity, P Agrawal, A Bandopadhyay, S Chakraborty
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 283, 104348, 2020
Rivalry in Bacillus subtilis colonies: enemy or family?
R Paul, T Ghosh, T Tang, A Kumar
Soft Matter 15 (27), 5400-5411, 2019
Hydrodynamic dissection of Stentor coeruleus in a microfluidic cross junction
R Paul, KS Zhang, MK Jalil, N Castaño, S Kim, SKY Tang
Lab on a Chip 22 (18), 3508-3520, 2022
An experimental study of the electrohydrodynamic characteristics of sedimenting drops under uniform alternating electric fields
R Paul, GN Kumar, S Mandal, NK Kishore, S Pramanik, S Chakraborty
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 53 (6), 5838-5844, 2017
Experimental investigation on the electrohydrodynamic motion and shape deformation of a sedimenting drop under uniform alternating electric field
R Paul, GN Kumar, S Mandal, NK Kishore, S Pramanik, S Chakraborty
Proc. Annu. Meeting Electrostatics Soc. Amer, 2016
The role of cytoskeletal mechanics in conferring wound resilience in the giant single-celled ciliate Stentor coeruleus
R Paul, A Nadkarni, K Zhang, M Das, W Marshall, S Tang
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2024, T27. 004, 2024
Hydrodynamic dissection of single cells in a microfluidic system
R Paul, KS Zhang, MK Jalil, N Castaño, S Kim, SKY Tang
bioRxiv, 2022.06. 09.495579, 2022
Fomite Transmission, Physicochemical Origin of Virus–Surface Interactions, and Disinfection Strategies for Enveloped Viruses with Applications to SARS-CoV-2
N Castaño, SC Cordts, M Kurosu Jalil, KS Zhang, S Koppaka, AD Bick, ...
ACS Omega 6 (10), 2021
Fomite transmission and disinfection strategies for SARS-CoV-2 and related viruses
N Castaño, S Cordts, MK Jalil, K Zhang, S Koppaka, A Bick, R Paul, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.11443, 2020
Reply to the comment on “Rivalry in Bacillus subtilis colonies: enemy or family?”
R Paul, T Ghosh, T Tang, A Kumar
Soft Matter 16 (13), 3347-3349, 2020
Rivalry in Sibling Bacillus subtilis Colonies: Enemy or Family?
R Paul
Modeling Microscale Electro-thermally Induced Vortex Flows
R Paul, T Tang, A Kumar
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, L13. 002, 2017
Human Activity Recognition for Healthcare Applications
R Agarwal, MK Jalil, R Paul
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