Dr Tong Deng
Dr Tong Deng
Senior Lecturer of Mechanical Process Engineering, University of Greenwich
Patvirtintas el. paštas
A novel model for hourly PM2. 5 concentration prediction based on CART and EELM
Z Shang, T Deng, J He, X Duan
Science of The Total Environment 651, 3043-3052, 2019
Effect of particle concentration on erosion rate of mild steel bends in a pneumatic conveyor
T Deng, AR Chaudhry, M Patel, I Hutchings, MSA Bradley
Wear 258 (1-4), 480-487, 2005
The influence of particle rotation on the solid particle erosion rate of metals
T Deng, MS Bingley, MSA Bradley
Wear 256 (11-12), 1037-1049, 2004
Influence of particle size, density, particle concentration on bend erosive wear in pneumatic conveyors
R Macchini, MSA Bradley, T Deng
Wear 303 (1-2), 21-29, 2013
The effect of carbon nanotube orientation on erosive wear resistance of CNT-epoxy based composites
J Chen, IM Hutchings, T Deng, MSA Bradley, KKK Koziol
Carbon 73, 421-431, 2014
Effect of bend orientation on life and puncture point location due to solid particle erosion of a high concentration flow in pneumatic conveyors
T Deng, M Patel, I Hutchings, MSA Bradley
Wear 258 (1-4), 426-433, 2005
Determination of a particle size distribution criterion for predicting dense phase pneumatic conveying behaviour of granular and powder materials
T Deng, M Bradley
Powder Technology, 2016
Influences of environmental humidity on physical properties and attrition of wood pellets
T Deng, AM Alzahrani, MS Bradley
Fuel Processing Technology 185, 126-138, 2019
A comparison of the gas-blast and centrifugal-accelerator erosion testers: The influence of particle dynamics
T Deng, MS Bingley, MSA Bradley, SR De Silva
Wear 265 (7-8), 945-955, 2008
A novel sensing technique for measurement of magnitude and polarity of electrostatic charge distribution across individual particles
T Hussain, W Kaialy, T Deng, MSA Bradley, A Nokhodchi, ...
International journal of pharmaceutics 441 (1-2), 781-789, 2013
Investigations on air induced segregation of pharmaceutical powders and effect of material flow functions
T Deng, KA Paul, MSA Bradley, L Immins, C Preston, JF Scott, EH Welfare
Powder Technology 203 (2), 354-358, 2010
Aligned carbon nanotube reinforced high performance polymer composites with low erosive wear
J Chen, JA Trevarthen, T Deng, MSA Bradley, SS Rahatekar, KKK Koziol
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 67, 86-95, 2014
Comparison between weight loss of bends in a pneumatic conveyor and erosion rate obtained in a centrifugal erosion tester for the same materials
T Deng, J Li, AR Chaudhry, M Patel, I Hutchings, MSA Bradley
Wear 258 (1-4), 402-411, 2005
Influence of particle dynamics on erosion test conditions within the centrifugal accelerator type erosion tester
T Deng, MS Bingley, MSA Bradley
Wear 249 (12), 1059-1069, 2001
An experimental study on free-surface rolling segregation and correlations with angle of repose and particle sphericity
T Deng, V Garg, H Salehi, MSA Bradley
Powder Technology 379, 307-320, 2021
Understanding particle dynamics in erosion testers—A review of influences of particle movement on erosion test conditions
T Deng, MS Bingley, MSA Bradley
Wear 267 (11), 2132-2140, 2009
An investigation of particle dynamics within a centrifugal accelerator type erosion tester
T Deng, MSA Bradley, MS Bingley
Wear 247 (1), 55-65, 2001
Anomalies in the results obtained from rotating disc accelerator erosion testers: a discussion of possible causes
AJ Burnett, MSA Bradley, DJ O'Flynn, T Deng, MS Bingley
Wear 233, 275-283, 1999
Correlations between segregation intensity and material properties such as particle sizes and adhesions and novel methods for assessment
T Deng, V Garg, H Salehi, MSA Bradley
Powder Technology 387, 215-226, 2021
Evaluation Studies of a Sensing Technique for Electrostatic Charge Polarity of Pharmaceutical Particulates
T Hussain, T Deng, MSA Bradley, W Kaialy
IET Science, Measurement and Technology, 2016
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