Mohsen Ghafory-Ashtiany
Tectonics of the Central Zagros (Iran) deduced from microearthquake seismicity
M Tatar, D Hatzfeld, M Ghafory-Ashtiany
Geophysical Journal International 156 (2), 255-266, 2004
Seismological constraints on the crustal structure beneath the Zagros Mountain belt (Iran)
D Hatzfeld, M Tatar, K Priestley, M Ghafory-Ashtiany
Geophysical Journal International 155 (2), 403-410, 2003
Seismic hazard assessment of Iran
B Tavakoli, M Ghafory-Ashtiany
Annals of Geophysics 42 (6), 1999
Site characterizations for the Iranian strong motion network
M Zare, PY Bard, M Ghafory-Ashtiany
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 18 (2), 101-123, 1999
Post-Bam earthquake: recovery and reconstruction
M Ghafory-Ashtiany, M Hosseini
Natural Hazards 44, 229-241, 2008
Seismic resilience evaluation based on vulnerability curves for existing and retrofitted typical RC school buildings
D Samadian, M Ghafory-Ashtiany, H Naderpour, M Eghbali
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 127, 105844, 2019
Strong ground motion record selection for the reliable prediction of the mean seismic collapse capacity of a structure group
M Ghafory‐Ashtiany, M Mousavi, A Azarbakht
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 40 (6), 691-708, 2011
Attenuation law for the strong-motions in Iran
M Zare, M Ghafory-Ashtiany, PY Bard
Proceedings of the third international conference on seismology and …, 1999
View of Islam on earthquakes, human vitality and disaster
M Ghafory‐Ashtiany
Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal 18 (3), 218-232, 2009
Application of genetic algorithm in crack detection of beam-like structures using a new cracked Euler–Bernoulli beam element
M Mehrjoo, N Khaji, M Ghafory-Ashtiany
Applied Soft Computing 13 (2), 867-880, 2013
Structural response for six correlated earthquake components
M Ghafory‐Ashtiany, MP Singh
Earthquake engineering & structural dynamics 14 (1), 103-119, 1986
A new indicator of elastic spectral shape for the reliable selection of ground motion records
M Mousavi, M Ghafory‐Ashtiany, A Azarbakht
Earthquake engineering & structural dynamics 40 (12), 1403-1416, 2011
Seismic hazard assessment for the Caucasus test area
S Balassanian, T Ashirov, T Chelidze, A Gassanov, N Kondorskaya, ...
Annals of Geophysics 42 (6), 1999
Seismic failure probability of a 400 kV power transformer using analytical fragility curves
SA Zareei, M Hosseini, M Ghafory-Ashtiany
Engineering Failure Analysis 70, 273-289, 2016
Full-scale dynamic testing of a steel frame building during construction
AM Memari, AA Aghakouchak, MG Ashtiany, M Tiv
Engineering Structures 21 (12), 1115-1127, 1999
Modal time history analysis of non‐classically damped structures for seismic motions
MP Singh, M Ghafory‐Ashtiany
Earthquake engineering & structural dynamics 14 (1), 133-146, 1986
Evaluation of power substation equipment seismic vulnerability by multivariate fragility analysis: A case study on a 420 kV circuit breaker
SA Zareei, M Hosseini, M Ghafory-Ashtiany
Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering 92, 79-94, 2017
Building seismic loss model for Tehran
B Mansouri, M Ghafory-Ashtiany, K Amini-Hosseini, R Nourjou, ...
Earthquake Spectra 26 (1), 153-168, 2010
Rescue operation and reconstruction of recent earthquakes in Iran
M Ghafory‐Ashtiany
Disaster prevention and management: An international journal 8 (1), 5-20, 1999
The tapered beam model for bottom plate uplift analysis of unanchored cylindrical steel storage tanks
MN Ahari, S Eshghi, MG Ashtiany
Engineering Structures 31 (3), 623-632, 2009
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