Lan Ma-Hock
Lan Ma-Hock
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Inhalation toxicity of multiwall carbon nanotubes in rats exposed for 3 months
L Ma-Hock, S Treumann, V Strauss, S Brill, F Luizi, M Mertler, K Wiench, ...
Toxicological Sciences 112 (2), 468-481, 2009
Tissue distribution and toxicity of intravenously administered titanium dioxide nanoparticles in rats
E Fabian, R Landsiedel, L Ma-Hock, K Wiench, W Wohlleben, ...
Archives of toxicology 82, 151-157, 2008
Testing metal‐oxide nanomaterials for human safety
R Landsiedel, L Ma‐Hock, A Kroll, D Hahn, J Schnekenburger, K Wiench, ...
Advanced Materials 22 (24), 2601-2627, 2010
On the lifecycle of nanocomposites: Comparing Released fragments and their in‐vivo hazards from three release mechanisms and four nanocomposites
W Wohlleben, S Brill, MW Meier, M Mertler, G Cox, S Hirth, B von Vacano, ...
Small 7 (16), 2384-2395, 2011
Development of a short-term inhalation test in the rat using nano-titanium dioxide as a model substance
L Ma-Hock, S Burkhardt, V Strauss, AO Gamer, K Wiench, ...
Inhalation toxicology 21 (2), 102-118, 2009
Toxico-/biokinetics of nanomaterials
R Landsiedel, E Fabian, L Ma-Hock, W Wohlleben, K Wiench, F Oesch, ...
Archives of toxicology 86, 1021-1060, 2012
Comparative inhalation toxicity of multi-wall carbon nanotubes, graphene, graphite nanoplatelets and low surface carbon black
L Ma-Hock, V Strauss, S Treumann, K Küttler, W Wohlleben, T Hofmann, ...
Particle and fibre toxicology 10, 1-20, 2013
Application of short-term inhalation studies to assess the inhalation toxicity of nanomaterials
R Landsiedel, L Ma-Hock, T Hofmann, M Wiemann, V Strauss, ...
Particle and fibre toxicology 11, 1-26, 2014
Comparing fate and effects of three particles of different surface properties: nano-TiO2, pigmentary TiO2 and quartz
B van Ravenzwaay, R Landsiedel, E Fabian, S Burkhardt, V Strauss, ...
Toxicology letters 186 (3), 152-159, 2009
Gene toxicity studies on titanium dioxide and zinc oxide nanomaterials used for UV-protection in cosmetic formulations
R Landsiedel, L Ma-Hock, B Van Ravenzwaay, M Schulz, K Wiench, ...
Nanotoxicology 4 (4), 364-381, 2010
An in vitro alveolar macrophage assay for predicting the short-term inhalation toxicity of nanomaterials
M Wiemann, A Vennemann, UG Sauer, K Wiench, L Ma-Hock, ...
Journal of Nanobiotechnology 14, 1-27, 2016
Pulmonary Toxicity of Nanomaterials: A Critical Comparison of Published In Vitro Assays and In Vivo Inhalation or Instillation Studies
R Landsiedel, UG Sauer, L Ma-Hock, J Schnekenburger, M Wiemann
Nanomedicine 9 (16), 2557-2585, 2014
Investigation on the genotoxicity of different sizes of gold nanoparticles administered to the lungs of rats
M Schulz, L Ma-Hock, S Brill, V Strauss, S Treumann, S Gröters, ...
Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis 745 (1-2 …, 2012
Time course of lung retention and toxicity of inhaled particles: short-term exposure to nano-Ceria
J Keller, W Wohlleben, L Ma-Hock, V Strauss, S Gröters, K Küttler, ...
Archives of toxicology 88, 2033-2059, 2014
Generation and characterization of test atmospheres with nanomaterials
L Ma-Hock, AO Gamer, R Landsiedel, E Leibold, T Frechen, B Sens, ...
Inhalation toxicology 19 (10), 833-848, 2007
In vitro and in vivo genotoxicity investigations of differently sized amorphous SiO2 nanomaterials
E Maser, M Schulz, UG Sauer, M Wiemann, L Ma-Hock, W Wohlleben, ...
Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis 794, 57-74, 2015
Biokinetics and effects of barium sulfate nanoparticles
N Konduru, J Keller, L Ma-Hock, S Gröters, R Landsiedel, TC Donaghey, ...
Particle and fibre toxicology 11, 1-15, 2014
Pathway-based predictive approaches for non-animal assessment of acute inhalation toxicity
AJ Clippinger, D Allen, H Behrsing, KA BéruBé, MB Bolger, W Casey, ...
Toxicology in vitro 52, 131-145, 2018
Hazard identification of inhaled nanomaterials: making use of short-term inhalation studies
CL Klein, K Wiench, M Wiemann, L Ma-Hock, B van Ravenzwaay, ...
Archives of Toxicology 86, 1137-1151, 2012
In vivo–in vitro comparison of acute respiratory tract toxicity using human 3D airway epithelial models and human A549 and murine 3T3 monolayer cell systems
UG Sauer, S Vogel, A Hess, SN Kolle, L Ma-Hock, B van Ravenzwaay, ...
Toxicology in Vitro 27 (1), 174-190, 2013
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