W. Sohler
W. Sohler
Professor der Physik, University of Paderborn
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Broadband waveguide quantum memory for entangled photons
E Saglamyurek, N Sinclair, J Jin, JA Slater, D Oblak, F Bussieres, ...
Nature 469 (7331), 512-515, 2011
Lithium niobate on insulator (LNOI) for micro‐photonic devices
G Poberaj, H Hu, W Sohler, P Guenter
Laser & photonics reviews 6 (4), 488-503, 2012
Loss in low-finesse Ti:LiNbO3 optical waveguide resonators
R Regener, W Sohler
Applied physics B 36, 143-147, 1985
A transport network layer based on optical network elements
GR Hill, PJ Chidgey, F Kaufhold, T Lynch, O Sahlen, M Gustavsson, ...
Journal of lightwave technology 11 (5/6), 667-679, 1993
Spectral multiplexing for scalable quantum photonics using an atomic frequency comb quantum memory and feed-forward control
N Sinclair, E Saglamyurek, H Mallahzadeh, JA Slater, M George, ...
Physical review letters 113 (5), 053603, 2014
Quantum teleportation from a telecom-wavelength photon to a solid-state quantum memory
F Bussières, C Clausen, A Tiranov, B Korzh, VB Verma, SW Nam, ...
Nature Photonics 8 (10), 775-778, 2014
Continuous-wave erbium-diffused LiNbO3 waveguide laser
R Brinkmann, W Sohler, H Suche
Electronics Letters 27 (5), 415-417, 1991
Integrated optical devices in lithium niobate
W Sohler, H Hu, R Ricken, V Quiring, C Vannahme, H Herrmann, ...
Optics and Photonics News 19 (1), 24-31, 2008
Discrete Talbot effect in waveguide arrays
R Iwanow, DA May-Arrioja, DN Christodoulides, GI Stegeman, Y Min, ...
Physical review letters 95 (5), 053902, 2005
Observation of discrete quadratic solitons
R Iwanow, R Schiek, GI Stegeman, T Pertsch, F Lederer, Y Min, W Sohler
Physical review letters 93 (11), 113902, 2004
Advanced Ti: Er: LiNbO/sub 3/waveguide lasers
C Becker, T Oesselke, J Pandavenes, R Ricken, K Rochhausen, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 6 (1), 101-113, 2000
Lithium niobate photonic wires
H Hu, R Ricken, W Sohler
Optics express 17 (26), 24261-24268, 2009
Optical phase conjugation for ultra long-haul phase-shift-keyed transmission
SL Jansen, D Borne, B Spinnler, S Calabro, H Suche, PM Krummrich, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 24 (1), 54, 2006
Lithium niobate ridge waveguides fabricated by wet etching
H Hu, R Ricken, W Sohler, RB Wehrspohn
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 19 (6), 417-419, 2007
Er-doped integrated optical devices in LiNbO/sub 3
I Baumann, S Bosso, R Brinkmann, R Corsini, M Dinand, A Greiner, ...
IEEE Journal of selected topics in Quantum Electronics 2 (2), 355-366, 1996
Er‐diffused Ti:LiNbO3 waveguide laser of 1563 and 1576 nm emission wavelengths
P Becker, R Brinkmann, M Dinand, W Sohler, H Suche
Applied physics letters 61 (11), 1257-1259, 1992
A polarization entangled photon-pair source based on a type-II PPLN waveguide emitting at a telecom wavelength
A Martin, A Issautier, H Herrmann, W Sohler, DB Ostrowsky, O Alibart, ...
New Journal of Physics 12 (10), 103005, 2010
Erbium incorporation in LiNbO3 by diffusion-doping
I Baumann, R Brinkmann, M Dinand, W Sohler, L Beckers, C Buchal, ...
Applied Physics A 64, 33-44, 1996
Efficient cascaded difference frequency conversion in periodically poled Ti: LiNbO3 waveguides using pulsed and cw pumping
G Schreiber, H Suche, YL Lee, W Grundkötter, V Quiring, R Ricken, ...
Applied Physics B 73, 501-504, 2001
Direct generation of genuine single-longitudinal-mode narrowband photon pairs
KH Luo, H Herrmann, S Krapick, B Brecht, R Ricken, V Quiring, H Suche, ...
New Journal of Physics 17 (7), 073039, 2015
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