Jaime Pinilla
Smoking in young adolescents: an approach with multilevel discrete choice models
J Pinilla, B Gonzalez, P Barber, Y Santana
Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 56 (3), 227-232, 2002
Factores predictores del inicio y consolidación del consumo de tabaco en adolescentes
A Caballero-Hidalgo, B González, J Pinilla, P Barber
Gaceta Sanitaria 19, 440-447, 2005
The economic impact of the SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic in Spain
J Pinilla, P Barber, L Vallejo-Torres, S Rodríguez-Mireles, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (9), 4708, 2021
Case-control analysis of the financial cost of medication errors in hospitalized patients
J Pinilla, C Murillo, G Carrasco, C Humet
The European Journal of Health Economics 7, 66-71, 2006
Equity in specialist waiting times by socioeconomic groups: evidence from Spain
I Abásolo, MA Negrín-Hernández, J Pinilla
The European Journal of Health Economics 15, 323-334, 2014
Income and wealth as determinants of voluntary private health insurance: empirical evidence in Spain, 2008–2014
J Pinilla, BG López-Valcárcel
BMC public health 20, 1-10, 2020
El impuesto sobre bebidas azucaradas en España
V Ortún, BG López-Valcárcel, J Pinilla
Revista Española de Salud Pública 90, e20007, 2017
La evaluación de políticas públicas. Informe SESPAS 2010
J Pinilla, A García-Altés
Gaceta sanitaria 24, 114-119, 2010
Tax on sugar sweetened beverages in Spain
V Ortun, BG Lopez-Valcarcel, J Pinilla
Available at SSRN 3004464, 2016
Análisis comparado del impacto de las políticas impositivas vía precio en el consumo de tabaco
J Pinilla
Gaceta sanitaria 16 (5), 425-435, 2002
Willingness to pay for alternative policies for patients with Alzheimer’s disease
MA Negrin, J Pinilla, CJ León
Health Economics, Policy and Law 3 (3), 257-275, 2008
Equidad en la utilización de servicios sanitarios públicos por Comunidades Autónomas en España: un análisis multinivel
I Abásolo Alessón, J Pinilla, M Negrín
Hacienda pública española, 2008
Aproximación a los pesos de calidad de vida de los «años de vida ajustados por calidad» mediante el estado de salud autopercibido
A García-Altés, J Pinilla, S Peiró
Gaceta Sanitaria 20, 457-464, 2006
Assisted reproduction in Spain, outcome and socioeconomic determinants of access
I Alon, J Pinilla
International Journal for Equity in Health 20, 1-12, 2021
Estimating direct effects of parental occupation on Spaniards’ health by birth cohort
J Pinilla, BG Lopez-Valcarcel, RM Urbanos-Garrido
BMC Public Health 17, 1-9, 2017
Exploring changes in dental workforce, dental care utilisation and dental caries levels in Europe, 1990–2004
J Pinilla, B González
International dental journal 59 (2), 87-95, 2009
Time trends in socio-economic inequalities in the lack of access to dental services among children in Spain 1987-2011
J Pinilla, MA Negrín-Hernández, I Abásolo
International journal for equity in health 14, 1-9, 2015
The impact of medical technology on health: a longitudinal analysis of ischemic heart disease
BG López-Valcárcel, J Pinilla
Value in Health 11 (1), 88-96, 2008
The effect of policies regulating tobacco consumption on smoking initiation and cessation in Spain: is it equal across socioeconomic groups?
J Pinilla, I Abásolo
Tobacco induced diseases 15, 1-10, 2017
Equity in children's utilization of dental services: effect of a children's dental care programme
J Pinilla, B González
Community dental health 23 (3), 152, 2006
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