andrea galli
andrea galli
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Soil-pipeline interaction along unstable slopes: a coupled three-dimensional approach. Part 1: Theoretical formulation
GCG Cocchetti, C Claudio di Prisco, AGA Galli, RNR Nova
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 46 (11), 1289-1304, 2009
Displacement-based design procedure for slope-stabilizing piles
A Galli, C Di Prisco
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 50 (1), 41-53, 2013
Neurotoxicity and ototoxicity of cisplatin plus paclitaxel in comparison to cisplatin plus cyclophosphamide in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer.
G Cavaletti, G Bogliun, V Crespi, L Marzorati, A Zincone, M Marzola, ...
Journal of clinical oncology 15 (1), 199-206, 1997
Soil-pipe interaction under monotonic and cyclic loads: experimental and numerical modelling
C Di Prisco, A Galli
Proceedings of the First Euromediterranean Symposium on Advances in …, 2006
Neuro-and ototoxicity of high-dose carboplatin treatment in poor prognosis ovarian cancer patients.
G Cavaletti, G Bogliun, A Zincone, L Marzorati, P Melzi, L Frattola, ...
Anticancer research 18 (5B), 3797-3802, 1998
Experimental investigation of the time-dependent response of unreinforced and reinforced tunnel faces in cohesive soils
C Di Prisco, L Flessati, G Frigerio, R Castellanza, M Caruso, A Galli, ...
Acta Geotechnica 13, 651-670, 2018
Soil-pipeline interaction along unstable slopes: a coupled three-dimensional approach. Part 2: Numerical analyses
GCG Cocchetti, C Claudio di Prisco, AGA Galli
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 46 (11), 1305-1321, 2009
Georeinforced sand columns: small scale experimental tests and theoretical modeling
C Di Prisco, A Galli, E Cantarelli, D Bongiorno
Proceedings of the 8th International conference on geosynthetics, Yokohama …, 2006
Novel Approach for Health Monitoring of Earthen Embankments
S Utili, R Castellanza, A Galli, P Sentenac
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 2014
Three-dimensional modelling of a multi-span masonry arch bridge: Influence of soil compressibility on the structural response under vertical static loads
G Zani, P Martinelli, A Galli, M di Prisco
Engineering Structures 221, 110998, 2020
Evaluation of bacterial communities of Grana Padano cheese by DNA metabarcoding and DNA fingerprinting analysis
M Zago, T Bardelli, L Rossetti, N Nazzicari, D Carminati, A Galli, G Giraffa
Food Microbiology 93, 103613, 2021
Seismic assessment of a 14th-century stone arch bridge: role of soil–structure interaction
G Zani, P Martinelli, A Galli, C Gentile, M di Prisco
Journal of Bridge Engineering 24 (7), 05019008, 2019
Bearing capacity assessment of a 14th century arch bridge in Lecco (Italy)
P Martinelli, A Galli, L Barazzetti, M Colombo, R Felicetti, M Previtali, ...
International Journal of Architectural Heritage 12 (2), 237-256, 2018
Evaluating the infiltration capacity of degraded vs. rehabilitated urban greenspaces: Lessons learnt from a real-world Italian case study
A Galli, C Peruzzi, L Beltrame, A Cislaghi, D Masseroni
Science of the Total Environment 787, 147612, 2021
Design of slope-stabilizing piles: from ultimate limit state approaches to displacement based methods
A Galli, RMS Maiorano, C Di Prisco, S Aversa
Rivista Italiana di Geotecnica 51 (3), 77-93, 2017
Generation of tumor‐specific cytotoxic T‐lymphocytes from the peripheral blood of colorectal cancer patients for adoptive T‐cell transfer
S Carluccio, S Delbue, L Signorini, E Setola, A Bagliani, A Della Valle, ...
Journal of cellular physiology 230 (7), 1457-1465, 2015
Monitoring exotic beetles with inexpensive attractants: A case study
E Ruzzier, A Galli, L Bani
Insects 12 (5), 462, 2021
Mathematical modelling of the mechanical response of earth embankments on piled foundations
C di Prisco, L Flessati, G Frigerio, A Galli
Géotechnique 70 (9), 755-773, 2020
Innovative performance-based design of slope stabilizing piles for a railway embankment
A Galli, A Bassani
European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering 22 (1), 99-121, 2018
Geo-reinforced sand columns: small scale experimental tests and theoretical modelling.
C Prisco, A Galli, E Cantarelli, D Bongiorno
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