Miao Su
Miao Su
Associate Professor, Changsha University of Science & Technology
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Selected machine learning approaches for predicting the interfacial bond strength between FRPs and concrete
M Su, Q Zhong, H Peng, S Li
Construction and Building Materials 270, 121456, 2021
Full-scale field experimental investigation on the interfacial shear capacity of continuous slab track structure
G Dai, M Su
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering 16 (3), 485-493, 2016
A visualized bibliometric analysis of mapping research trends of machine learning in engineering (MLE)
M Su, H Peng, S Li
Expert Systems with Applications 186, 115728, 2021
A review and comparison study on drying shrinkage prediction between alkali-activated fly ash/slag and ordinary Portland cement
D Huang, P Chen, H Peng, Y Yang, Q Yuan, M Su
Construction and Building Materials 305, 124760, 2021
A brief review of developments and challenges for high-speed rail bridges in China and Germany
M Su, G Dai, S Marx, W Liu, S Zhang
Structural Engineering International 29 (1), 160-166, 2019
Identification of the interfacial cohesive law parameters of FRP strips externally bonded to concrete using machine learning techniques
M Su, H Peng, M Yuan, S Li
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 247, 107643, 2021
Flexural behavior of RC beams strengthened with fully or partially prestressed near-surface mounted FRP strips: An experimental investigation
M Su, S Gong, Y Liu, H Peng
Engineering Structures 262, 114345, 2022
Regularized multivariate polynomial regression analysis of the compressive strength of slag-metakaolin geopolymer pastes based on experimental data
M Su, Q Zhong, H Peng
Construction and building materials 303, 124529, 2021
State-of-the-art review of the development and application of bridge rotation construction methods in China
M Su, J Wang, H Peng, CS Cai, GL Dai
Science China Technological Sciences 64, 1137–1152, 2021
Determination of the interfacial properties of longitudinal continuous slab track via a field test and ANN-based approaches
M Su, H Xie, C Kang, S Li
Engineering Structures 246, 113039, 2021
Bond-slip constitutive model of concrete to cement-asphalt mortar interface for slab track structure
M Su, G Dai, H Peng
Struct Eng Mech 74 (5), 589-600, 2020
Application of an interpretable artificial neural network to predict the interface strength of a near-surface mounted fiber-reinforced polymer to concrete joint
M Su, H Peng, S Li
Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A 22 (6), 427-440, 2021
A comprehensively overall track-bridge interaction study on multi-span simply supported beam bridges with longitudinal continuous ballastless slab track
M Su, Y Yang, R Pan
Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Journal 78 (2), 163-174, 2021
Mechanism of interfacial bond failure for slab ballastless track under shear loading
GL Dai, M Su
J. Huazhong Univ. Sci. Technol.(Nat. Sci. Ed.) 44, 16-31, 2016
Case study of twin cable-stayed bridges for high-speed railway in China: Design, analysis and construction
G Dai, M Su, B Yan
Structural Engineering International 24 (3), 396-401, 2014
Effects of Al/Na and Si/Na molar ratios on the alkalinity of metakaolin-based geopolymer pore solutions
W Han, Y Lv, S Wang, J Qiao, C Zou, M Su, H Peng
Materials 16 (5), 1929, 2023
SME innovation, supply chain strategy fit and business performance: the moderating role of environmental uncertainty
W Kim, M Fang, Q Pang, M Su
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 36 (11), 3772-3785, 2024
Factors affecting flexural properties of RC beams strengthened with gradually prestressed NSM CFRP strips
S Gong, M Su, I Yoshitake, C Zhu, H Peng
Engineering Structures 306, 117865, 2024
Design and construction of simple beam bridges for high-speed rails in China: standardization and industrialization
G Dai, M Su, YF Chen
The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering 11 (4), 274-282, 2016
Numerical Stimulation of interface delamination failure for prefabricated slab ballastless track
Journal of South China University of Technology (Natural Science) 44 (7 …, 2016
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