David Perahia
David Perahia
Research Director Emeritus, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, France
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Evaluation of the configurational entropy for proteins: application to molecular dynamics simulations of an α-helix
RM Levy, M Karplus, J Kushick, D Perahia
Macromolecules 17 (7), 1370-1374, 1984
Internal and interfacial dielectric properties of cytochrome c from molecular dynamics in aqueous solution.
T Simonson, D Perahia
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 92 (4), 1082-1086, 1995
Interdomain motion in liver alcohol dehydrogenase. Structural and energetic analysis of the hinge bending mode.
F Colonna-Cesari, D Perahia, M Karplus, H Eklund, CI Brädén, O Tapia
Journal of Biological Chemistry 261 (32), 15273-15280, 1986
Molecular dynamics of an α-helical polypeptide: temperature dependence and deviation from harmonic behavior
RM Levy, D Perahia, M Karplus
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 79 (4), 1346-1350, 1982
Hydration scheme of uracil and cytosine: A comparison between electrostatic and complete supermolecule computations
A Pullman, D Perahia
Theoretica chimica acta 48, 29-36, 1978
Computation of low-frequency normal modes in macromolecules: improvements to the method of diagonalization in a mixed basis and application to hemoglobin
D Perahia, L Mouawad
Computers & chemistry 19 (3), 241-246, 1995
Motions in hemoglobin studied by normal mode analysis and energy minimization: evidence for the existence of tertiary T-like, quaternary R-like intermediate structures
L Mouawad, D Perahia
Journal of molecular biology 258 (2), 393-410, 1996
Microscopic dielectric properties of cytochrome c from molecular dynamics simulations in aqueous solution
T Simonson, D Perahia
Journal of the American Chemical Society 117 (30), 7987-8000, 1995
Microscopic theory of the dielectric properties of proteins
T Simonson, D Perahia, AT Brünger
Biophysical journal 59 (3), 670-690, 1991
Conformational dynamics and enzyme activity
JM Yon, D Perahia, C Ghelis
Biochimie 80 (1), 33-42, 1998
Diagonalization in a mixed basis: A method to compute low‐frequency normal modes for large macromolecules
L Mouawad, D Perahia
Biopolymers: Original Research on Biomolecules 33 (4), 599-611, 1993
Targeting STAT1 by myricetin and delphinidin provides efficient protection of the heart from ischemia/reperfusion-induced injury
TM Scarabelli, S Mariotto, S Abdel-Azeim, K Shoji, E Darra, A Stephanou, ...
FEBS letters 583 (3), 531-541, 2009
On searching neighbors in computer simulations of macromolecular systems
WF Van Gunsteren, HJC Berendsen, F Colonna, D Perahia, ...
Journal of Computational Chemistry 5 (3), 272-279, 1984
Success of the PCILO method and failure of the CNDO/2 method for predicting conformations in some conjugated systems
D Perahia, A Pullman
Chemical Physics Letters 19 (1), 73-75, 1973
Molecular orbital calculations on the conformation of polypeptides and proteins IV. The conformation of the prolyl and hydroxyprolyl residues
B Maigret, D Perahia, B Pullman
Journal of Theoretical Biology 29 (2), 275-291, 1970
Molecular orbital calculations on the conformation of nucleic acids and their constituents: VII. Conformation of the sugar ring in β-nucleosides: The pseudorotational …
A Saran, D Perahia, B Pullman
Theoretica chimica acta 30 (1), 31-44, 1973
Ghrelin receptor conformational dynamics regulate the transition from a preassembled to an active receptor: Gq complex
M Damian, S Mary, M Maingot, C M'Kadmi, D Gagne, JP Leyris, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (5), 1601-1606, 2015
Hydration scheme of the purine and pyrimidine bases and base-pairs of the nucleic acids
B Pullman, S Miertus, D Perahia
Theoretica chimica acta 50, 317-325, 1979
Tertiary and quaternary conformational changes in aspartate transcarbamylase: a normal mode study
A Thomas, K Hinsen, MJ Field, D Perahia
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 34 (1), 96-112, 1999
Correlated intramolecular motions and diffuse x–ray scattering in lysozyme
P Faure, A Micu, D Perahia, J Doucet, JC Smith, JP Benoit
Nature structural biology 1 (2), 124-128, 1994
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