Xinlei Fu
Xinlei Fu
Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Patvirtintas el. paštas
A music-box-like extended rotational plucking energy harvester with multiple piezoelectric cantilevers
S Fang, X Fu, X Du, WH Liao
Applied Physics Letters 114 (23), 233902, 2019
Asymmetric plucking bistable energy harvester: Modeling and experimental validation
S Fang, X Fu, WH Liao
Journal of Sound and Vibration 459, 114852, 2019
Modeling and experimental validation on the interference of mechanical plucking energy harvesting
S Fang, X Fu, WH Liao
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 134, 106317, 2019
Modeling and analysis of piezoelectric energy harvesting with dynamic plucking mechanism
X Fu, WH Liao
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 141 (3), 2019
A rotational hybrid energy harvester utilizing bistability for low-frequency applications: Modelling and experimental validation
J Xing, S Fang, X Fu, WH Liao
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 222, 107235, 2022
Nondimensional model and parametric studies of impact piezoelectric energy harvesting with dissipation
X Fu, WH Liao
Journal of Sound and Vibration 429, 78-95, 2018
Lightweight Piezoelectric Bending Beam-based Energy Harvester for Capturing Energy from Human Knee Motion
F Gao, G Liu, X Fu, L Li, WH Liao
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2021
Hybridizing piezoelectric and electromagnetic mechanisms with dynamic bistability for enhancing low-frequency rotational energy harvesting
S Fang, J Xing, K Chen, X Fu, S Zhou, WH Liao
Applied Physics Letters 119 (24), 243903, 2021
Multi‐Scale Label‐Free Human Brain Imaging with Integrated Serial Sectioning Polarization Sensitive Optical Coherence Tomography and Two‐Photon Microscopy
S Chang, J Yang, A Novoseltseva, A Abdelhakeem, M Hyman, X Fu, C Li, ...
Advanced Science 10 (35), 2303381, 2023
Modeling of plucking piezoelectric energy harvesters with contact theory
X Fu, WH Liao
Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems 2017 10164, 101641E, 2017
Photoacoustic elasto-viscography and optical coherence microscopy for multi-parametric ex vivo brain imaging
F Yang, W Ding, X Fu, W Chen, J Tang
Biomedical Optics Express 14 (11), 5615-5628, 2023
Design of an Ultrafast Oscillating Blade Microtome based on Vibration Cancellation
X Fu, J Chen, J Yang, S Chang, D Boas, SC Chen
Annual Meeting of the American Society for Precision Engineering, 38-42, 2020
Analysis of the interference in typical rotational plucking energy harvester
S Fang, X Fu, WH Liao
Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems XIII 10967, 1096727, 2019
A dimensionless model of impact piezoelectric energy harvesting with dissipation
X Fu, WH Liao
Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems 2016 9799, 97991J, 2016
Fast drug screening platform for cancer treatment based on live tissue culturing and high-speed 3D imaging
Q Zhong, CY Dong, X Fu, X Xu, SC Chen
Neural Imaging and Sensing 2022, PC119460K, 2022
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