Jared L. Zitnay
Jared L. Zitnay
Research Scientist, University of Utah
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Molecular level detection and localization of mechanical damage in collagen enabled by collagen hybridizing peptides
JL Zitnay, Y Li, Z Qin, BH San, B Depalle, SP Reese, MJ Buehler, SM Yu, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 14913, 2017
Accumulation of collagen molecular unfolding is the mechanism of cyclic fatigue damage and failure in collagenous tissues
JL Zitnay, GS Jung, AH Lin, Z Qin, Y Li, SM Yu, MJ Buehler, JA Weiss
Science advances 6 (35), eaba2795, 2020
Fabrication of dense anisotropic collagen scaffolds using biaxial compression
JL Zitnay, SP Reese, G Tran, N Farhang, RD Bowles, JA Weiss
Acta biomaterialia 65, 76-87, 2018
Load transfer, damage, and failure in ligaments and tendons
JL Zitnay, JA Weiss
Journal of Orthopaedic Research® 36 (12), 3093-3104, 2018
Microplate assay for denatured collagen using collagen hybridizing peptides
AH Lin, JL Zitnay, Y Li, SM Yu, JA Weiss
Journal of Orthopaedic Research® 37 (2), 431-438, 2019
Collagen denaturation is initiated upon tissue yield in both positional and energy-storing tendons
AH Lin, AN Allan, JL Zitnay, JL Kessler, SM Yu, JA Weiss
Acta biomaterialia 118, 153-160, 2020
Quantification of continuous in vivo flexion–extension kinematics and intervertebral strains
TM Nagel, JL Zitnay, VH Barocas, DJ Nuckley
European Spine Journal 23, 754-761, 2014
Tendons exhibit greater resistance to tissue and molecular-level damage with increasing strain rate during cyclic fatigue
JL Zitnay, AH Lin, JA Weiss
Acta biomaterialia 134, 435-442, 2021
A stabilizing role of the glenoid labrum: the suction cup effect
H Ishikawa, HB Henninger, J Kawakami, JL Zitnay, N Yamamoto, ...
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 32 (5), 1095-1104, 2023
Estrogen and testosterone supplementation improves tendon healing and functional recovery after rotator cuff repair
RZ Tashjian, J Zitnay, NH Kazmers, SR Veerabhadraiah, AC Zelada, ...
Journal of Orthopaedic Research® 42 (2), 259-266, 2024
Molecular level detection and localization of mechanical damage in collagen enabled by collagen hybridizing peptides. Nat Commun. 2017; 8: 14913
JL Zitnay, Y Li, Z Qin, BH San, B Depalle, SP Reese, MJ Buehler, SM Yu, ...
Epub 2017/03/23. https://doi. org/10.1038/ncomms14913 PMID: 28327610, 0
Proximal humeral coordinate systems can predict humerothoracic and glenohumeral kinematics of a full bone system
HJ Sulkar, JL Zitnay, K Aliaj, HB Henninger
Gait & posture 90, 380-387, 2021
Inlay vs. onlay humeral components in reverse total shoulder arthroplasty: a biorobotic shoulder simulator study
JL Zitnay, RZ Tashjian, G Walch, PN Chalmers, CD Joyce, HB Henninger
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 33 (6), 1377-1386, 2024
Toward the Development of a Tissue Engineered Gradient Utilizing CRISPR-Guided Gene Modulation
JD Weston, B Austin, H Levis, J Zitnay, JA Weiss, B Lawrence, RD Bowles
Tissue Engineering Part A 30 (17-18), 525-535, 2024
CRISPRi-Driven Osteogenesis in Adipose-Derived Stem Cells for Bone Healing and Tissue Engineering
JD Weston, B Austin, H Levis, J Zitnay, JA Weiss, B Lawrence, RD Bowles
bioRxiv, 2022.11. 15.513563, 2022
Development of a continuum damage model to predict accumulation of sub-failure damage in tendons
AN Allan, JL Zitnay, SA Maas, JA Weiss
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 135, 105342, 2022
The Effect Of Scapular Position On Anterior And Posterior Glenohumeral Translations In A Cadaveric Model Of Bankart Lesions
H Ishikawa, HB Henninger, JL Zitnay, RZ Tashjian, PN Chalmers
JSES International 8 (6), 1347-1348, 2024
Isolated humeral distalization in reverse total shoulder arthroplasty: a biorobotic shoulder simulator study
JL Zitnay, MR Stout, B Percin, RZ Tashjian, PN Chalmers, CD Joyce, ...
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, 2024
Tenascin C deletion impairs tendon healing and functional recovery after rotator cuff repair
RZ Tashjian, J Zitnay, NH Kazmers, SR Veerabhadraiah, AC Zelada, ...
Journal of Orthopaedic Research®, 2024
Molecular Level Collagen Mechanical Damage in Tendons
JL Zitnay
The University of Utah, 2020
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