Oscar Borla
Oscar Borla
Nežinomas ryšys
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Electromagnetic and neutron emissions from brittle rocks failure: experimental evidence and geological implications
A Carpinteri, G Lacidogna, O Borla, A Manuello, G Niccolini
Sadhana 37 (1), 59-78, 2012
Neutron emissions in brittle rocks during compression tests: Monotonic vs. cyclic loading
A Carpinteri, O Borla, G Lacidogna, A Manuello
Physical Mesomechanics 13 (5-6), 268-274, 2010
Energy emissions from brittle fracture: neutron measurements and geological evidences of piezonuclear reactions
A Carpinteri, G Lacidogna, A Manuello, O Borla
Strength, Fracture and Complexity 7 (1), 13-31, 2011
Piezonuclear fission reactions from earthquakes and brittle rocks failure: evidence of neutron emission and non-radioactive product elements
A Carpinteri, G Lacidogna, A Manuello, O Borla
Experimental Mechanics 53, 345-365, 2013
Fracto-emissions as seismic precursors
A Carpinteri, O Borla
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 177, 239-250, 2017
Piezonuclear fission reactions in rocks: evidences from microchemical analysis, neutron emission, and geological transformation
A Carpinteri, G Lacidogna, A Manuello, O Borla
Rock mechanics and rock engineering 45, 445-459, 2012
Radiation protection measurements around a 12 MeV mobile dedicated IORT accelerator
A Soriani, G Felici, M Fantini, M Paolucci, O Borla, G Evangelisti, ...
Medical physics 37 (3), 995-1003, 2010
Neutron spectrometry at high mountain observatories
A Zanini, M Storini, L Visca, EAM Durisi, F Fasolo, M Perosino, O Borla, ...
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 67 (8-9), 755-762, 2005
Acoustic, electromagnetic, and neutron emissions as seismic precursors: The lunar periodicity of low-magnitude seismic swarms
A Carpinteri, O Borla
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 210, 29-41, 2019
PhoNeS: A novel approach to BNCT with conventional radiotherapy accelerators
R Bevilacqua, G Giannini, F Calligaris, D Fontanarosa, F Longo, G Scian, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2007
Criticality hidden in acoustic emissions and in changing electrical resistance during fracture of rocks and cement-based materials
G Niccolini, SM Potirakis, G Lacidogna, O Borla
Materials 13 (24), 5608, 2020
BIOKIS: a model payload for multidisciplinary experiments in microgravity
M Vukich, PL Ganga, D Cavalieri, L Rizzetto, D Rivero, S Pollastri, ...
Microgravity Science and Technology 24, 397-409, 2012
Scaling in damage by electrical resistance measurements: An application to the terracotta statues of the Sacred Mountain of Varallo Renaissance Complex (Italy)
G Niccolini, O Borla, F Accornero, G Lacidogna, A Carpinteri
Rendiconti Lincei 26, 203-209, 2015
Electromagnetic emission as failure precursor phenomenon for seismic activity monitoring
O Borla, G Lacidogna, E Di Battista, G Niccolini, A Carpinteri
Fracture, Fatigue, Failure, and Damage Evolution, Volume 5: Proceedings of …, 2015
Design and simulation of an optimized e-linac based neutron source for BNCT research
E Durisi, K Alikaniotis, O Borla, F Bragato, M Costa, G Giannini, V Monti, ...
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 106, 63-67, 2015
Nano-scale fracture phenomena and TeraHertz pressure waves as the fundamental reasons for geochemical evolution
A Carpinteri, O Borla
Strength, Fracture and Complexity 11 (2-3), 149-168, 2018
Piezonuclear transmutations in brittle rocks under mechanical loading: microchemical analysis and geological confirmations
A Carpinteri, G Lacidogna, A Manuello, O Borla
Recent Advances in Mechanics: Selected Papers from the Symposium on Recent …, 2011
Radiotherapy dose enhancement using BNCT in conventional LINACs high-energy treatment: Simulation and experiment
K Alikaniotis, O Borla, V Monti, G Vivaldo, A Zanini, G Giannini
Reports of Practical Oncology and Radiotherapy 21 (2), 117-122, 2016
Hydrogen embrittlement and piezonuclear reactions in electrolysis experiments
A Carpinteri, O Borla, A Manuello, D Veneziano, A Goi
Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science 15 (1), 162-182, 2015
Piezonuclear neutron emissions from earthquakes and volcanic eruptions
O Borla, G Lacidogna, A Carpinteri
Acoustic, electromagnetic, neutron emissions from fracture and earthquakes …, 2015
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