Jongkwan Lee
Jongkwan Lee
Korea Military Academy
Patvirtintas el. paštas
TDMA-based cooperative MAC protocol for multi-hop relaying networks
JK Lee, HJ Noh, J Lim
IEEE Communications Letters 18 (3), 435-438, 2014
Wavelet speech enhancement based on voiced-unvoiced decision
JK Lee, CD Yoo
INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings 2003 (3), 4149 …, 2003
Dynamic cooperative retransmission scheme for TDMA systems
JK Lee, HJ Noh, J Lim
IEEE communications letters 16 (12), 2000-2003, 2012
R-CRDSA: Reservation-contention resolution diversity slotted ALOHA for satellite networks
MW Lee, JK Lee, JJ Lee, JS Lim
IEEE communications letters 16 (10), 1576-1579, 2012
Distributed dynamic slot assignment scheme for fast broadcast transmission in tactical ad hoc networks
JK Lee, KM Lee, J Lim
MILCOM 2012-2012 IEEE Military Communications Conference, 1-6, 2012
ANC-ALOHA: Analog network coding ALOHA for satellite networks
HJ Noh, JK Lee, JS Lim
IEEE communications letters 18 (6), 957-960, 2014
A cooperative TDMA MAC protocol using dynamic slot assignment scheme
JK Lee, HJ Noh, J Lim
The International Conference on Information Networking 2013 (ICOIN), 216-220, 2013
The current applications and future directions of artificial intelligence for military logistics
KY Shin, JK Lee, KH Kang, WG Hong, CH Han
Journal of Digital Contents Society 20 (12), 2433-2444, 2019
A cooperative relay scheme for tactical multi-hop wireless networks
JK Lee, KM Lee, HJ Noh, J Lim
MILCOM 2013-2013 IEEE Military Communications Conference, 527-532, 2013
Performance analysis of link-16 waveform considering frequency remapping under PBNJ
K Lee, H Noh, J Lee, J Lim
The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences …, 2013
Artificial collision-based dynamic slot assignment for in-band control networks
JK Lee, KM Lee, HJ Noh, JS Lim
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 13 (11), 5985-5998, 2014
A Study on Research Trends and Future Direction of AI Models for Anomaly Analysis in Military Operations
J Lee, J Lee, J Park, H Yi, J Ahn, S Shin, H Moon, S Kim, B Kim
Journal of Digital Contents Society 24 (3), 631-640, 2023
F-DSA: A Fast Dynamic Slot Assignment Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks
JK Lee, KM Lee, JS Lim
IEICE transactions on communications 95 (12), 3902-3905, 2012
Stability of reservation-contention resolution diversity slotted ALOHA for satellite networks
MW Lee, JK Lee, HJ Noh, JS Lim
MILCOM 2012-2012 IEEE Military Communications Conference, 1-6, 2012
Dynamic spectrum access to improve fairness in tactical networks with mobile base stations
JK Lee, J Lim
2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 3382-3387, 2012
Dynamic Slot Allocation Scheme in Tactical Multi-Hop Networks for Future Soldier Systems
J Lee
Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology 24 (1 …, 2021
국방 AI 지휘통제 플랫폼 구축방안
한창희, 이종관
한국통신학회논문지 44 (4), 774-781, 2019
Dynamic Slot Re-assignment Scheme for Network Merge in Swarming Drone Networks
JK Lee, M Lee
Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering …, 2019
A blockchain system for tdma-based tactical wireless networks with constrained resources
J Lee, M Lee
IEEE Access 11, 6857-6866, 2023
Cyber threats prediction model based on artificial neural networks using quantification of open source intelligence (osint)
J Lee, M Moon, K Shin, S Kang
Convergence Security Journal 20 (3), 115-123, 2020
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