Peter Stoffella
Peter Stoffella
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Trace elements in agroecosystems and impacts on the environment
ZL He, XE Yang, PJ Stoffella
Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 19 (2), 125-140, 2005
Cadmium tolerance and hyperaccumulation in a new Zn-hyperaccumulating plant species (Sedum alfredii Hance)
XE Yang, XX Long, HB Ye, ZL He, DV Calvert, PJ Stoffella
Plant and Soil 259 (1-2), 181-189, 2004
Phytoremediation of heavy metal polluted soils and water: Progresses and perspectives
MI Lone, Z He, PJ Stoffella, X Yang
Journal of Zhejiang University Science B 9 (3), 210-220, 2008
Molecular mechanisms of heavy metal hyperaccumulation and phytoremediation
X Yang, Y Feng, Z He, PJ Stoffella
Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 18 (4), 339-353, 2005
Land application of biosolids in the USA: A review
Q Lu, ZL He, PJ Stoffella
Applied and Environmental Soil Science 2012, 2012
Heavy Metal Contamination of Soils: Sources, Indicators and Assessment
Z He, J Shentu, X Yang, VC Baligar, T Zhang, PJ Stoffella
Compost utilization in horticultural cropping systems
PJ Stoffella, BA Kahn
CRC press, 2001
Phytoremediation to remove nutrients and improve eutrophic stormwaters using water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes L.)
Q Lu, ZL He, DA Graetz, PJ Stoffella, X Yang
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 17, 84-96, 2010
Concentration of cadmium in cacao beans and its relationship with soil cadmium in southern Ecuador
E Chavez, ZL He, PJ Stoffella, RS Mylavarapu, YC Li, B Moyano, ...
Science of The Total Environment 533, 205-214, 2015
Effects of pH, organic acids and inorganic ions on lead desorption from soils
JY Yang, XE Yang, ZL He, JL Shentu, PJ Stoffella
Environmental pollution 143, 9-15, 2006
Chapter Four-Soil Biogeochemistry, Plant Physiology, and Phytoremediation of Cadmium-Contaminated Soils
S He, Z He, X Yang, PJ Stoffella, VC Baligar
Advances in Agronomy 134, 135-225, 2015
Uptake, translocation, and remobilization of zinc absorbed at different growth stages by rice genotypes of different Zn densities
C Wu, L Lu, X Yang, Y Feng, Y Wei, H Hao, PJ Stoffella, Z He
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 58 (11), 6767-6773, 2010
Assessing zinc thresholds for phytotoxicity and potential dietary toxicity in selected vegetable crops
XX Long, XE Yang, WZ Ni, ZQ Ye, ZL He, DV Calvert, JP Stoffella
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 34 (9-10), 1421-1434, 2003
Uptake and distribution of metals by water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes L.)
Q Lu, ZL He, DA Graetz, PJ Stoffella, X Yang
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 18, 978-986, 2011
Fruit yield and quality of greenhouse-grown bell pepper as influenced by density, container, and trellis system
E Jovicich, DJ Cantliffe, PJ Stoffella
HortTechnology 14 (4), 507-513, 2004
Transport of heavy metals in surface runoff from vegetable and citrus fields
ZL He, MK Zhang, DV Calvert, PJ Stoffella, XE Yang, S Yu
Soil Science Society of America Journal 68 (5), 1662-1669, 2004
Uptake of Cadmium by Rice Grown on Contaminated Soils and Its Bioavailability/Toxicity in Human Cell Lines (Caco-2/HL-7702)
R Aziz, MT Rafiq, T Li, D Liu, Z He, PJ Stoffella, K Sun, Y Xiaoe
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 63 (13), 3599-3608, 2015
Vegetable seedling root systems: Morphology, development, and importance
DI Leskovar, PJ Stoffella
HortScience 30 (6), 1153-1159, 1995
Chlorine nutrition of higher plants: progress and perspectives
W Chen, ZL He, XE Yang, S Mishra, PJ Stoffella
Journal of Plant Nutrition 33 (7), 943-952, 2010
Use of compost as a media amendment for containerized production of two subtropical perennials
SB Wilson, PJ Stoffella, DA Graetz
Journal of Environmental Horticulture 19 (1), 37-42, 2001
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