Daniel Stoebel
Daniel Stoebel
Professor of Biology, Harvey Mudd College
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Selecting between-sample RNA-Seq normalization methods from the perspective of their assumptions
C Evans, J Hardin, DM Stoebel
Briefings in bioinformatics 19 (5), 776-792, 2018
Anti-silencing: overcoming H-NS-mediated repression of transcription in Gram-negative enteric bacteria
DM Stoebel, A Free, CJ Dorman
Microbiology 154 (9), 2533-2545, 2008
The Cost of Expression of Escherichia coli lac Operon Proteins Is in the Process, Not in the Products
DM Stoebel, AM Dean, DE Dykhuizen
Genetics 178 (3), 1653-1660, 2008
Compensatory Evolution of Gene Regulation in Response to Stress by Escherichia coli Lacking RpoS
DM Stoebel, K Hokamp, MS Last, CJ Dorman
PLoS genetics 5 (10), e1000671, 2009
DNA supercoiling is differentially regulated by environmental factors and FIS in Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica
ADS Cameron, DM Stoebel, CJ Dorman
Molecular microbiology 80 (1), 85-101, 2011
Diminishing-returns epistasis decreases adaptability along an evolutionary trajectory
A Wünsche, DM Dinh, RS Satterwhite, CD Arenas, DM Stoebel, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 1 (4), 0061, 2017
Genome-wide transcriptional response to varying RpoS levels in Escherichia coli K-12
GT Wong, RP Bonocora, AN Schep, SM Beeler, AJ Lee Fong, LM Shull, ...
Journal of bacteriology 199 (7), 10.1128/jb. 00755-16, 2017
Genetic background affects epistatic interactions between two beneficial mutations
Y Wang, C Diaz Arenas, DM Stoebel, TF Cooper
Biology letters 9 (1), 20120328, 2013
The Effect of Mobile Element IS10 on Experimental Regulatory Evolution in Escherichia coli
DM Stoebel, CJ Dorman
Molecular Biology and Evolution 27 (9), 2105-2112, 2010
Benefit of transferred mutations is better predicted by the fitness of recipients than by their ecological or genetic relatedness
Y Wang, C Diaz Arenas, DM Stoebel, K Flynn, E Knapp, MM Dillon, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (18), 5047-5052, 2016
Lack of Evidence for Horizontal Transfer of the lac Operon into Escherichia coli
DM Stoebel
Molecular biology and evolution 22 (3), 683-690, 2005
Redefining the H-NS protein family: a diversity of specialized core and accessory forms exhibit hierarchical transcriptional network integration
S Fitzgerald, SC Kary, EY Alshabib, KD MacKenzie, DM Stoebel, ...
Nucleic Acids Research 48 (18), 10184-10198, 2020
Escherichia coli Lacking RpoS Are Rare in Natural Populations of Non-Pathogens
E Snyder, DM Gordon, DM Stoebel
G3: Genes| Genomes| Genetics 2 (11), 1341-1344, 2012
Size doesn't matter: Microbial selection experiments address ecological phenomena
M Feldgarden, DM Stoebel, D Brisson, DE Dykhuizen
Ecology 84 (7), 1679-1687, 2003
xenoGI: reconstructing the history of genomic island insertions in clades of closely related bacteria
EC Bush, AE Clark, CA DeRanek, A Eng, J Forman, K Heath, AB Lee, ...
BMC bioinformatics 19, 1-11, 2018
History in the education of scientists: Encouraging judgment and social action
V Hamilton, DM Stoebel
Isis 111 (3), 623-630, 2020
The timing of transcription of RpoS-dependent genes varies across multiple stresses in Escherichia coli K-12
J Adams, J Hoang, E Petroni, E Ashby, J Hardin, DM Stoebel
Msystems 8 (5), e00663-23, 2023
Waste and yet want not
DM Stoebel, DE Dykhuizen
Molecular cell 38 (5), 625-626, 2010
Cra and cAMP Receptor Protein Have Opposing Roles in the Regulation of fruB in Vibrio cholerae
C Beck, S Perry, DM Stoebel, JM Liu
Journal of bacteriology 203 (10), 10.1128/jb. 00044-21, 2021
The transcriptional response of genes to RpoS concentration in Escherichia coli is not determined by core promoter sequences
SM Beeler, CR Doering, S Tran, DM Stoebel
bioRxiv, 796656, 2019
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