Stephanie M. Smallegan
Stephanie M. Smallegan
Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, University of South Alabama
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Morphological response of a sandy barrier island with a buried seawall during Hurricane Sandy
SM Smallegan, JL Irish, AR Van Dongeren, JP Den Bieman
Coastal Engineering 110, 102-110, 2016
Buried relic seawall mitigates Hurricane Sandy's impacts
JL Irish, PJ Lynett, R Weiss, SM Smallegan, W Cheng
Coastal Engineering 80, 79-82, 2013
Developed barrier island adaptation strategies to hurricane forcing under rising sea levels
SM Smallegan, JL Irish, AR Van Dongeren
Climatic Change 143, 173-184, 2017
Barrier island morphological change by bay-side storm surge
SM Smallegan, JL Irish
Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering 143 (5), 04017025, 2017
Geomorphic changes measured on Dauphin Island, AL, during Hurricane Nate
JS Coogan, BM Webb, SM Smallegan, J Puleo
Shore and Beach 87 (4), 15, 2019
The geotechnical aspects of coastal impacts during hurricanes harvey
N Stark, N Jafari, R Ravichandran, I Shafi, S Smallegan, P Bassal, ...
GEER Association Report No GEER-054. Version 1, 2017
StEER-3 March 2019 tornadoes in the southeastern US: Field assessment structural team (FAST) Early access reconnaissance report (EARR)
D Roueche, J Cleary, R Barnes, B Davis, J Marshall, B Rittelmeyer, ...
Seattle: DesignSafe-CI. https://doi. org/10.17603/ds2-qav0-t570, 2019
Numerical investigation of developed and undeveloped barrier island response to Hurricane Sandy
SM Smallegan, JL Irish, AR Van Dongeren, JP den Bieman
Coastal Structures and Solutions to Coastal Disasters Joint Conference 2015 …, 2015
Guide to Mississippi Community Markers–High Water Marks
S Vedral, RC Collini, T Miller-Way, AN Rellinger, TT Sempier, ...
Observations of erosion and damage along barrier islands following Hurricane Sandy
JL Irish, R Weiss, PJ Lynett, BT MacInnes, W Cheng, S Smallegan
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2013, OS33C-06, 2013
Sea-Level Rise in the Classroom: Fostering Science-to-Civics Literacy
R Collini, S Vedral, T Miller-Way, A Rellinger, T Sempier, S Smallegan, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, ED55H-09, 2021
Foundations for a Practical Approach to Considering Sea-Level Rise in Coastal Projects
RC Collini, SM Smallegan
Marine Technology Society Journal 55 (4), 47-55, 2021
Informing and Preparing Coastal Communities to Reduce Coastal Vulnerability to Flooding and Sea-Level Rise Through Education and Application
S Smallegan, R Collini, S Vedral, P Posey, K Bellais, B Delaney
Geological Society of America Abstracts 53, 366099, 2021
Sea-Level Rise In The Classroom: Curriculum
S Vedral, RC Collini, T Miller-Way, AN Rellinger, TT Sempier, ...
Berms, Floodwalls, and Dunes-How High? Considering sea-level rise in coastal projects
RC Collini, SM Smallegan
Global Oceans 2020: Singapore–US Gulf Coast, 1-6, 2020
Measuring User Satisfaction for the Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure Consortium
M Khosravi, M Leon-Corwin, L Ritchie, S Smallegan, N Stark, M Stephens, ...
Frontiers in Built Environment 6, 101, 2020
Scour at the Seawall in Surfside, Texas, During Hurricane Harvey (2017)
N Stark, I Shafii, N Jafari, N Ravichandran, J Figlus, S Smallegan, ...
ISSMGE International Journal of Geoengineering Case Histories 5 (4), 62-76, 2020
Post-2017 Hurricane Season Assessment of Civil Infrastructure Impacts on Beach and Near-Beach Environments
SM Smallegan, J Figlus, N Stark, I Sasanakul, LGA Monsalve, I Shafii, ...
ISSMGE International Journal of Geoengineering Case Histories 5 (4), 47-61, 2020
Observations of Tides, Waves, and Erosion on a Low-lying Barrier Island During Hurricane Nate
BM Webb, J Coogan, SM Smallegan, JA Puleo
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020, 2020
TD Education: Increasing coastal resiliency by informing and preparing citizens of the northern Gulf of Mexico through hands-on, multidisciplinary K12 education
SM Smallegan, R Collini, S Vedral, A Rellinger, T Miller-Way, E Sparks, ...
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020, 2020
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