Miroslav Nikolic
Silicon in agriculture
Y Liang, M Nikolic, R Bélanger, H Gong, A Song
LIANG, Y. et al. Silicon-mediated tolerance to salt stress. Springer Science …, 2015
Organic manure stimulates biological activity and barley growth in soil subject to secondary salinization
Y Liang, J Si, M Nikolic, Y Peng, W Chen, Y Jiang
Soil Biology and biochemistry 37 (6), 1185-1195, 2005
Interactions of silicon with essential and beneficial elements in plants
J Pavlovic, L Kostic, P Bosnic, EA Kirkby, M Nikolic
Frontiers in Plant Science 12, 697592, 2021
Silicon alleviates iron deficiency in cucumber by promoting mobilization of iron in the root apoplast
J Pavlovic, J Samardzic, V Maksimović, G Timotijevic, N Stevic, ...
New Phytologist 198 (4), 1096-1107, 2013
Silicon acquisition and accumulation in plant and its significance for agriculture
G Yan, M Nikolic, MJ Ye, Z Xiao, YC Liang
Journal of Integrative Agriculture 17 (10), 2138-2150, 2018
Silicon increases phosphorus (P) uptake by wheat under low P acid soil conditions
L Kostic, N Nikolic, D Bosnic, J Samardzic, M Nikolic
Plant and Soil 419, 447-455, 2017
Significance of silicon uptake, transport, and deposition in plants
R Mandlik, V Thakral, G Raturi, S Shinde, M Nikolić, DK Tripathi, H Sonah, ...
Journal of experimental botany 71 (21), 6703-6718, 2020
The alleviation of zinc toxicity by silicon is related to zinc transport and antioxidative reactions in rice
A Song, P Li, Z Li, F Fan, M Nikolic, Y Liang
Plant and Soil 344, 319-333, 2011
Silicon ameliorates manganese toxicity in cucumber by decreasing hydroxyl radical accumulation in the leaf apoplast
JD Maksimović, M Mojović, V Maksimović, V Römheld, M Nikolic
Journal of Experimental Botany 63 (7), 2411-2420, 2012
Uptake and transport of foliar applied zinc (65Zn) in bread and durum wheat cultivars differing in zinc efficiency
B Erenoglu, M Nikolic, V Römheld, I Cakmak
Plant and Soil 241, 251-257, 2002
Silicon modulates the metabolism and utilization of phenolic compounds in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) grown at excess manganese
J Dragišić Maksimović, J Bogdanović, V Maksimović, M Nikolic
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 170 (6), 739-744, 2007
Germanium-68 as an adequate tracer for silicon transport in plants. Characterization of silicon uptake in different crop species
M Nikolic, N Nikolic, Y Liang, EA Kirkby, V Römheld
Plant Physiology 143 (1), 495-503, 2007
Uptake of 59Fe from soluble 59Fe-humate complexes by cucumber and barley plants
S Cesco, M Nikolic, V Römheld, Z Varanini, R Pinton
Plant and Soil 241 (1), 121-128, 2002
Contrasting effect of silicon on iron, zinc and manganese status and accumulation of metal-mobilizing compounds in micronutrient-deficient cucumber
N Bityutskii, J Pavlovic, K Yakkonen, V Maksimović, M Nikolic
Plant physiology and Biochemistry 74, 205-211, 2014
Silicon in vascular plants: uptake, transport and its influence on mineral stress under acidic conditions
S Pontigo, A Ribera, L Gianfreda, M de la Luz Mora, M Nikolic, P Cartes
Planta 242, 23-37, 2015
Effect of bicarbonate and Fe supply on Fe nutrition of grapevine
M Nikolic, R Kastori
Journal of Plant Nutrition 23 (11-12), 1619-1627, 2000
Silicon crosstalk with reactive oxygen species, phytohormones and other signaling molecules
DK Tripathi, K Vishwakarma, VP Singh, V Prakash, S Sharma, S Muneer, ...
Journal of Hazardous Materials 408, 124820, 2021
Mechanism of Fe uptake by the leaf symplast: Is Fe inactivation in leaf a cause of Fe deficiency chlorosis?
M Nikolic, V Römheld
Plant and Soil 215, 229-237, 1999
Effect of silicon on crop growth, yield and quality
Y Liang, M Nikolic, R Bélanger, H Gong, A Song, Y Liang, M Nikolic, ...
Silicon in Agriculture: From Theory to Practice, 209-223, 2015
Does high bicarbonate supply to roots change availability of iron in the leaf apoplast?
M Nikolic, V Römheld
Plant and Soil 241, 67-74, 2002
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